
  • 李克斌,刘维屏,许中坚,马云.灭草松在腐殖酸上的吸附及其机理[J].环境科学学报,2002,22(6):754-758

  • 灭草松在腐殖酸上的吸附及其机理
  • Adsorption and its mechanisms of herbicide bentazone in soil humic acids
  • 基金项目:国家自然科学基金资助项目(39670420)
  • 作者
  • 单位
  • 李克斌
  • 浙江大学环境科学研究所, 杭州 310029
  • 刘维屏
  • 浙江大学环境科学研究所, 杭州 310029
  • 许中坚
  • 浙江大学环境科学研究所, 杭州 310029
  • 马云
  • 浙江大学环境科学研究所, 杭州 310029
  • 摘要:通过吸附动力学、吸附等温线和IR, ESR技术, 研究了腐殖酸对灭草松的吸附及吸附机理, 并且对pH、离子强度对吸附过程的影响进行了探讨.结果表明灭草松在腐殖酸上经过大约4h的初始快速阶段, 此后进入慢速吸附过程.溶液pH可能会影响腐殖酸的构型.高pH时, 吸附量随溶液离子强度增加稍有增加.灭草松在腐殖酸上的吸附过程中存在氢键、电荷转移作用, 疏水分配也是可能存在的机理.
  • Abstract:The adsorption behavior and its mechanisms of bentazone in soil humic acids were studied using adsorption kinetics, isotherms, IR and ESR. Meanwhile, the effects of pH and ionic strength on adsorption were also investigated. The results revealed that the sorption of bentazone in humic acids involved an initial, about 4 hours of rapid period, then followed by a slower period.The humic acids configuration was altered by the pH of solution, and the adsorption increased with the increase of salt concentration at higher pH. The Hbonding and chargetransfer, contributed to the adsorption of herbicide on humic acids.

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