
  • 吴忠标,余世清.飞灰和废大理石烟气脱硫的传质反应研究[J].环境科学学报,2002,22(6):768-773

  • 飞灰和废大理石烟气脱硫的传质反应研究
  • Mass transfer-reaction study on flue gas desulfurization with fly ash and waste marble
  • 基金项目:浙江省重点科技计划资助项目(00110323002)
  • 作者
  • 单位
  • 吴忠标
  • 浙江大学环境工程系, 杭州 310027
  • 余世清
  • 浙江大学环境工程系, 杭州 310027
  • 摘要:在双搅拌釜上实验测定了飞灰和废大理石浆液的脱硫率η及pH值随过程时间t的变化关系, 计算了不同t时的传质速率Nm、液膜传质系数kL、气相总传质系数KG、气膜传质系数kG、传质系数之比KG/kG以及反应增强因子E等, 并分析了飞灰和废大理石脱硫的传质反应过程.实验和计算结果表明, 当进口SO2体积分数为4000×10-6时, 飞灰和大理石浆液脱硫均受液相阻力控制;pH值越低, KG/kG就越小, 液相阻力控制也就越明显, 在pH=4.5时, 液相阻力占总阻力的90%;pH值越高, E就越大, 化学反应对传质的影响也就越明显;pH=6时飞灰浆液具有与大理石浆液相近的脱硫率, 达70%左右.
  • Abstract:Change of SO2 removal efficiency and slurry pH value with process time for fly ash and waste marble were experimentally determined in a double stirred vessel. Mass transfer rate N m, liquid phase mass transfer coefficient k/L, gas phase overall mass transfer coefficient K G, gas phase mass transfer coefficient k G, mass transfer coefficient ratio K G/ k G and enhancement factor E with different process time were calculated. Furthermore, mass transfer reaction process of fly ash and waste marble desulfurization was also analyzed. The experimental and calculated results showed that the reaction was controlled by liquid phase resisstance while inlet SO2 volume proportion was 4000×10-6. The liquid phase resistance decreased with slurry pH value, and the ratio of liquid phase resistance to overall resistance was 90% at pH=4 5. The effect of reaction on mass transfer increased with slurry pH value, and SO2 removal efficiency for fly ash and waste marble was about 70% at pH=6.

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