
  • 王东升,汤鸿霄.IPF混凝过程的定量计算模式(I):PCNM的应用[J].环境科学学报,2003,23(2):183-187

  • IPF混凝过程的定量计算模式(I):PCNM的应用
  • Application of PCNM in the calculation of IPF coagulation
  • 基金项目:国家自然科学基金资助(50078051)
  • 作者
  • 单位
  • 王东升
  • 中国科学院生态环境研究中心环境水质学国家重点实验室,北京 100085
  • 汤鸿霄
  • 中国科学院生态环境研究中心环境水质学国家重点实验室,北京 100085
  • 摘要:水处理过程IPF的混凝作用机理研究逐渐向半定量乃至定量化发展.以典型IPF-颗粒物水溶液体系的相互作用为例,对PCNM模式的应用从混凝剂的形态分布、投药量、pH以及其它影响因素加以研究讨论.结果表明,经适当改进的PCNM能够较好地预测聚合铝的混凝特征,实验结果与模式预测值基本吻合.
  • Abstract:The application of precipitation-charge neutralization model (PCNM) to a typical system of IPF-particle-solution reaction were investigated. The effect of speciation of coagulants, dose, pH and other factors were discussed. The experimental results showed that the PCNM after certain modification, the model predictions correspond well with the experimental results. Some problems existing in the PCNM were also discussed in detail.

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