
  • 周岩梅,刘瑞霞,汤鸿霄.溶解有机质在土壤及沉积物吸附多环芳烃类有机污染物过程中的作用研究[J].环境科学学报,2003,23(2):216-223

  • 溶解有机质在土壤及沉积物吸附多环芳烃类有机污染物过程中的作用研究
  • Influence of dissolved organic matter in sorption process of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons on soils and sediments
  • 基金项目:国家自然科学基金重点项目(20037010)
  • 作者
  • 单位
  • 周岩梅
  • 中国科学院生态环境研究中心环境水质学国家重点实验室,北京 100085
  • 刘瑞霞
  • 中国科学院生态环境研究中心环境水质学国家重点实验室,北京 100085
  • 汤鸿霄
  • 中国科学院生态环境研究中心环境水质学国家重点实验室,北京 100085
  • 摘要:研究了采自官厅水库及周围水域的6种土壤及沉积物样品对多环芳烃类有机化合物———萘、菲、芘的吸附特性,应用1HNMR对这6种土壤及沉积物样品中的溶解有机质的化学组成进行了的测定,发现溶解有机质中芳香族和非极性脂肪族化合物的含量与Freundlich吸附容量(K′f)之间存在着密切关系,Freundlich吸附指数(n)随着溶解有机质中极性基团的增多而降低,但是极性芳香族成分在吸附过程中主要充当有机溶剂相.另外,吸附质的化学特性对吸附也有重要影响,logK′f与logKow(Kow为辛醇水分配系数)之间存在着线性关系.
  • Abstract:The sorption of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons-naphthalene, phenanthrene and pyrene in six soil and sediment samples collected from Guanting Reservoir (Beijing, China) and its estuaries was investigated. The dissolved organic matters contained in these six soils and sediments were characterized by 1H-NMR spectra. It is considered that the sorption capacities (K′f) are closely interrelated with the aromaticity and nonpolar aliphaticity of dissolved organic matter. The Freundlich exponent (n) decreases with the increase of the polar group content in dissolved organic matter, but the role the polar aromatic component plays in sorption process is organic solvent. Furthermore, solute structure also influences the sorption and the relation between logK′f and logKow (Kow is octanol-water partition coefficient) is linear. A fast sorption model is established based on the amphiphilic property of dissolved organic matter and the results from experiment. However, it is difficult to apply this model to predict the sorption of nonpolar contaminants on natural sorbent.

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