
  • 张守玉,吕俊复,岳光溪,王洋.活性焦表面化学性质对其脱硫性能的影响[J].环境科学学报,2003,23(3):317-321

  • 活性焦表面化学性质对其脱硫性能的影响
  • The effect of the chemical characteristics on the de-SO2 capability of active coke
  • 基金项目:国家重大基础研究规划资助项目(No.G1999022204)
  • 作者
  • 单位
  • 张守玉
  • 清华大学热能工程系热能工程研究所,北京 100084
  • 吕俊复
  • 清华大学热能工程系热能工程研究所,北京 100084
  • 岳光溪
  • 清华大学热能工程系热能工程研究所,北京 100084
  • 王洋
  • 中国科学院山西煤炭化学研究所,太原 030001
  • 摘要:在氧气及水蒸汽存在的情况下,烟道气中低浓度的SO2被活性焦吸附并被催化氧化为硫酸.考察了活性焦表面化学性质对其脱硫性能的影响.结果表明,活性焦的微孔面积及表面碱性位含量是影响其脱硫能力的主要因素.同时,由XPS数据可知,随着活性焦表面的氧含量的减少,离域π电子(Cπ)趋于活跃,活性焦的碱性增加,证实了碳原子平面层上的离域π电子(Cπ)是影响活性焦脱硫能力的主要因素.
  • Abstract:This study mainly focused on the effect of the chemical characteristic of three active cokes on their desulfurization capabilities. The results showed that the activity of active coke for SO2removal is mainly determined by its microporous structure and quantity of surface basic sites. According to XPS data, as the quantity of oxygen on the surface of active coke deceases, the basicity of active coke increases and the activity of the delocalized π-electron of carbon platelets becomes stronger. So the delocalized π-electron is an important factor determining the desulfurization capability of the active cokes.

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