- Organic matter of various molecular weight fractions in source water
- 基金项目:清华大学与澳门自来水公司科技合作项目——澳门管网生物稳定性的研究(20012002)
- 张晓健
- 清华大学环境科学与工程系,北京 100084
- 摘要:通过超滤膜法研究了澳门水源水中不同分子量区间有机物的分布特性.结果显示:1)澳门水源水中总有机碳(TOC)的主体有机物分子量在1000以下,传统工艺对这类水体的有机物去除效率较低.2)澳门水源水中可生物降解溶解性有机碳(BDOC)主要与分子量小于10,000的有机物相关.3)三种水源水中不同分子量区间BDOCTOC比率的变化也非常大,表明能有效控制TOC的水处理工艺未必能够导致相同的BDOC处理效果,所以不一定可以有效保证饮用水的生物稳定性.4)澳门水源水中有机物含量很低,不必增加其它工艺来控制水中有机物;如果在水源水质恶化的突发事件情况下,可以采用投加粉末活性炭的方法加以控制.
- Abstract:Organic matter has been measured in the Macao source waters. The total organic carbon (TOC) and biodegradable dissolved organic carbon (BDOC) measurements have been done on ultrafiltrated (molecular weight (MW) cut-off of 1000, 3000, 10000 and 100000) samples. The results showed: (1) The fractions of the organics with MW<1000 corresponded to 48%—64% of the TOC, therefore, the traditional treatment process cannot remove the organics effectively. (2) The BDOC in Macao raw waters was mainly related to the NOM with MW< 10000. (3) The BDOC/TOC in the various MW fratinos varied considerably, indicating that the treatment process which can control TOC, may not be able to remove BDOC effectively. (4) The organic content in Macao source water is so low that no additional treatment process is needed.
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