- Co-composting of flower waste and cattle manure in pilot scale
- 基金项目:国家重大科技攻关专项(K99053502)资助
- 张相锋
- 清华大学环境科学与工程系,北京 100084
- 王洪涛
- 清华大学环境科学与工程系,北京 100084
- 周辉宇
- 清华大学环境科学与工程系,北京 100084
- 张义安
- 清华大学环境科学与工程系,北京 100084
- 聂永丰
- 清华大学环境科学与工程系,北京 100084
- 摘要:以花卉废物和牛粪为原料,进行了温度反馈的通气量控制联合堆肥的中试研究.一次发酵采用静态好氧床进行,过程控制采用温度反馈通气量控制方法,周期20天;二次腐熟采用周期性翻堆,周期40天.试验分析了堆肥过程中堆体温度、水分、pH值、有机质、湿重、干重、体积、湿容重、干容重等指标随时间的变化特征,结果表明:采用温度反馈通气量控制的静态好氧堆肥技术进行花卉废物和牛粪的联合堆肥可以有效控制堆肥过程,实现有机物料的快速稳定和去除水分.
- Abstract:Co-composting of flower waste and cattle manure were studied in pilot scale. The first stage is aerobic static bed of composting based on temperature feedback and control via aeration rate regulation, which lasted for 20?d the second stage is window composting, of about 40?d. Changes of temperature, water content, pH, organic matter, wet weigh, dry weigh, volume, wet bulk density and dry wet density were studied. Results showed that co-composting of flower waste and cattle manure, using aerobic static bed based temperature feedback and control via aeration rate regulation, could stabilize organic matter and removal water rapidly. At first stage, the pile was insulated and temperatur of 55℃ or above was maintained for 10?d. The highest temperature was up to 69℃. Which was high-enough to kill pathogens. during the process of composting, water content of pile decreased from 70% to 32.4%. The accumulated removal of water is about 87.4%. Organic matter was degradeted from 73% to 57%.The accumulated degradation of organic matter was about 87.4%.The decreases of wet weigh,dry weigh and volume of pile were about 72.7%,38.7% and 55%.The value of pH increased to about 8.0 quickly at the beginning and was kept till the end of first stage.It returned to about 7 at the end of second stage.
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