- Screening of high efficient paracetamolum degrading bacterial strains and the effect of their bioaugmentative use
- 摘要:从制药厂废水生物处理系统活性污泥中经长期富集培养,分离、筛选得到5株扑热息痛高效降解菌.在扑热息痛浓度为1000mgL的选择性培养基中,菌株P1在摇床培养20h后,细胞数达到109mL,对扑热息痛的降解率达到96.30%.在生物降解性能预测实验中,菌株P1对含扑热息痛废水COD的去除率也明显高于其它来源的微生物.为了实现降解菌的资源化应用,试验将所分离得的各扑热息痛降解菌制成混合菌液投加于处理含扑热息痛等多种复杂污染物废水的组合生物膜法和SBR法废水处理装置中,考察投菌量与生物强化效果的关系,结果发现:在投菌量为处理系统有效容积的0.20%(VV),进水COD在440.33—1036.77mgL之间波动时,生物强化效果显著.
- Abstract:Five strains of paracetamolum degrading bacteria were isolated from an enrichment cultured consortium selected by growing on paracetamolum as sole carbon source medium. When the concentration of paracetamolum in the medium was set up at 1000mg/L, the cell number of strain P1 reached 109/mL and the degrading efficiency up to 96.30% after incubation for 20 hours. Strain P1 was also superior to microorganisms from other sources in COD removal efficiency during the biodegrading experiment. For understanding the function of the high-efficient-degrading bacteria in the bioaugmentation treatment system, the mixed culture with five paracetamolum degrading strains isolated was supplemented to the combined biofilms and activated sludge process which was used to treat pharmaceutical wastewater containing paracetamolum, the different quantity of the high-efficiency-degrading bacteria cultures were inoculated and the efficiencies of bioaugmentation treatment were examined respectively. The results showed that the bioaugmentation system was superior to the original system in COD and paracetamolum removal efficiency when the quantity of the supplemented bacteria was 0.20%(v/v) of the treatment system effective volume and the influent COD contents were fluctuated between 440.33—1036.77mg/L.
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