- Mechanism and application of the enhanced mass-transfer in aerobic treatment process
- 基金项目:黑龙江省重大科技攻关课题(GB98L181)
- 赫俊国
- 哈尔滨工业大学市政环境工程学院,哈尔滨 150090
- 张金松
- 深圳市水务(集团)有限公司,深圳 518031
- 李建政
- 哈尔滨工业大学市政环境工程学院,哈尔滨 150090
- 杨海燕
- 北京工业大学建筑工程学院,北京 100022
- 摘要:依据惯性效应理论研究了传统污水好氧处理工艺传质强化过程.研究表明,提高传统工艺曝气均匀度和控制多相物系中微涡漩的离心惯性效应,可有效促进物相接触传质和相界面更替,为活性污泥(或生物膜)有机底质与氧气进行生化反应提供良好动力条件,从而提高反应效率,缩短生化反应历程.该工艺在试验及实际工程应用中氧利用率最高可达48%,COD容积负荷8.1-9.0kg(m3·d).在处理屠宰废水的实际应用中,当气水比为12∶1,水力停留时间4h,进水CODCr浓度800-2200mgL,CODCr负荷达8-9kg(m3·d)时,CODCr去除率平均达95%,BOD5去除率大于97%,SS去除率在95%以上.
- Abstract:The technology of enhanced mass-transfer process in a traditional aerobic wastewater treatment and its mechanism were investigated on the basis of inertia effect.Improving traditional process aerating evenness and controlling the centrifugal inertia effect of tiny vortex of multiphase would contribute to the mass transfer and the alternative of interface,then the efficiency of biochemical reaction was improved and the process was shortened observably. The research showed that a rate of 48% of oxygen utilization was achieved and a COD loading of 8.1-9.0kg COD/(m3·h) was received in the enhanced mass-transfer process.Furthermore,a full scale process was carried out to treat slaughterhouse wastewater with the vapor-liquid ratio of 12∶1,HRT 4h and COD loading 8.0-9.0kg/(m3·d) the result showed that the removal rate of COD,BOD5 and SS reached to 95%,97% and 95% respectively.
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