
  • 刘长武,刘凤枝,翟广书,刘潇威,买光熙,陈勇,王一茹.蔬菜水果中25种有机氯农药残留快速检测方法[J].环境科学学报,2003,23(4):499-502

  • 蔬菜水果中25种有机氯农药残留快速检测方法
  • Rapid determination method for 25 organchlorine pesticides in vegetables and fruits
  • 基金项目:引进国际先进农业科学技术项目资助
  • 作者
  • 单位
  • 刘长武
  • 农业部环境保护科研监测所,天津 300191
  • 刘凤枝
  • 农业部环境保护科研监测所,天津 300191
  • 翟广书
  • 农业部环境保护科研监测所,天津 300191
  • 刘潇威
  • 农业部环境保护科研监测所,天津 300191
  • 买光熙
  • 农业部环境保护科研监测所,天津 300191
  • 陈勇
  • 农业部环境保护科研监测所,天津 300191
  • 王一茹
  • 农业部环境保护科研监测所,天津 300191
  • 摘要:采用固相萃取替代传统的液液萃取技术和柱层析前处理技术,使蔬菜、水果中有机氯25种农药残留迅速得到分离、净化和浓缩.用双柱双ECD气相色谱同时定性、定量测定25种有机氯农药残留;25种农药在6种蔬菜、水果中3个浓度添加水平,平均回收率为70%-120%,变异系数小于20%,在HP1和HP17柱上最低检出限分别为:0.0011-0.0600mg/kg,0.0010-0.7575mg/kg.一个蔬菜、水果样品经一次处理,在1.0-1.5小时内即可完成农药残留的检测,确定有无超标和违禁农药残留.
  • Abstract:Using Solid Phase Extraction,25 organochlorine pesticides in vegetables and fruits were extrated cleaned up,and concentrated. The residues of 25 organochlorine pesticides were identified simultaneously and quantitation using Gas Chromatography with dual column and dual electron capture detector (ECD). The average recoveries of the three spiked levels of 25 organochlorine pesticides were 70%-120% in 6 vegetables and fruits. TheCoefficient of Variation (CV) is less than 20%. The ranges of minimum detection limits were 0.0011-0.0600mg/kg,0.0010-0.7575mg/kg in HP 1 column and HP 17 column respectively.

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