
  • 蔡立哲.大型底栖动物污染指数(MPI)[J].环境科学学报,2003,23(5):625-629

  • 大型底栖动物污染指数(MPI)
  • Macrozoobenthos pollution index (MPI)
  • 基金项目:教育部骨干教师资助项目
  • 作者
  • 单位
  • 蔡立哲
  • 1. 厦门大学教育部海洋环境科学重点实验室,厦门 361005; 2. 厦门大学环境科学研究中心,厦门 361005
  • 摘要:根据2000年至2002年在深圳湾、厦门西海域、罗源湾、兴化湾潮间带和潮下带获得的85个取样站次大型底栖动物数据,参考丰度生物量比较法(ABC),建立了评价海洋环境质量的大型底栖动物污染指数(MPI).MPI的计算式是:MPI=102+k[∑(Ai-Bi)]/S1+k,式中Ai和Bi分别是密度和生物量优势度大小顺序的第i个累积百分优势度的数值,S为采集到的物种数,K为常数,K=|∑(Ai-Bi)|∑(Ai-Bi),当∑(Ai-Bi)为正数时,K=1;∑(Ai-Bi)为负数时,K=-1.MPI越小,沉积环境越清洁.反之,污染越严重.MPI的优点是实现ABC法的数字化.
  • Abstract:Macrobenthos pollution index (MPI) was established according to the macrofaunal data collected on intertidal zone and subtidal zone in Shenzhen Bay, Western Xiamen Harbour, Luoyuan Bay, and Xinghua Bay, and referring to Abundance Biomass Comparison(ABC) method. The MPI formula is, MPI = 10 2+k[∑ (Ai-Bi)]/S 1+k.Where Ai and Bi are respectively the cumulative % dominance for density and biomass in the ith species rank, S=the number of species in the sample, K is a constant number. K=|∑(Ai-B i)|/∑(Ai-Bi), When ∑(Ai-Bi) is positive number, K is 1. When ∑(Ai-Bi) is negative number, K is -1. The bigger MPI is, the more serious pollution is. The merit of MPI is digital on ABC method and sensitive to pollution situation. Assessing results yet accord with fact than Shannon-Weaver's species diversity index (H′).

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