
  • 向晓东.几种典型除尘器收集效率的扩散模型研究[J].环境科学学报,2003,23(5):657-661

  • 几种典型除尘器收集效率的扩散模型研究
  • Efficiency formula for three typical particle collection devices by diffusion theory
  • 基金项目:国家“九五”重点科技攻关课题(课题编号:969180302)
  • 作者
  • 单位
  • 向晓东
  • 武汉科技大学环境科学与工程中心,武汉 430081
  • 摘要:在气流速度均匀假设下用扩散理论建立了在重力沉降室、离心式除尘器和静电除尘器中粉尘粒子的浓度分布,由此浓度分布模型和除尘效率定义得出这3种典型除尘器的分级除尘效率具有相同的表达式:η=1-exp(-Dλ2L/u).为了使这一由扩散理论导出的分级效率公式能够用于实际计算,给出了扩散系数D的确定方法和常数λ的计算式.
  • Abstract:The dust concentration distribution is established under the uniform gas velocity distribution assumption based on the diffusion theory in the settling chamber, inertial collector and electrostatic precipitator. Based on the dust concentration distribution and the definition of the collection efficiency we yield a unified fractional efficiency formulaη=1-exp(-Dλ2L/u) for these three typical particle collection devices. In order to put this new fractional formula into a practical use, the determination methods for both the diffusion coefficient D and the constant λ are given in this paper.

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