
  • 杜青平,孟紫强.二氧化硫对大鼠肺泡细胞和肺泡灌洗液的生化效应[J].环境科学学报,2003,23(6):828-830

  • 二氧化硫对大鼠肺泡细胞和肺泡灌洗液的生化效应
  • Cellular and biochemical response in BALF of rats exposed to different concentrations of SO2
  • 基金项目:国家自然科学基金(编号:30070647);山西省自然科学基金资助项目
  • 作者
  • 单位
  • 杜青平
  • 山西大学环境医学与毒理学研究所,太原 030006
  • 孟紫强
  • 山西大学环境医学与毒理学研究所,太原 030006
  • 摘要:研究了二氧化硫(SO2)对大鼠支气管肺泡灌洗细胞和肺泡灌洗液(BALF)的生化指标的影响.结果表明,吸入SO2后大鼠BALF中肺泡巨噬细胞数量增加、但比例减少,中性粒细胞和淋巴细胞数量和比例均增加,并存在剂量效应关系;熏气后BALF的pH下降、蛋白质含量和肺通透指数升高,BALF中酸性磷酸酶、碱性磷酸酶和乳酸脱氢酶活性升高,脂质过氧化水平提高;这些细胞和生物化学指标的改变从不同的方面反映了SO2可引起大鼠肺组织和肺泡细胞的结构和功能的损伤.
  • Abstract:The Bronchoalveolar lavage cells (BALF) and the biochemical indexes in BALF were studied in the rats exposed to different concentrations of sulfur dioxide(SO2).The results showed the numbers of alveolar macrophage were increased but its percentage decreased;Both the numbers and percentages of the neutrophils and lymphocytes increased in BALF,and they showed dose-response relationship.The pH values decreased significantly;the protein contents in BALF,the pulmonary vascular permeability index,the activities of acid phosphatase,alkaline phosphatase and Lactic dehydrogenase in BALF increased as well as the malondialdehyde contents.These cellular and biochemical indexes suggested different ways of damage of the structure and function of lung tissues and the cells.

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