
  • 金良安,杨常清,王孝通,张明虎,白雪莲.军用S-4烟幕酸雾污染的清除[J].环境科学学报,2003,23(6):831-833

  • 军用S-4烟幕酸雾污染的清除
  • Clean-up methods for the acid mist pollution from S-4 smoke screen
  • 基金项目:国防科研基金资助项目(批准号435B956)
  • 作者
  • 单位
  • 金良安
  • 海军大连舰艇学院一系,大连 116018
  • 杨常清
  • 海军大连舰艇学院一系,大连 116018
  • 王孝通
  • 海军大连舰艇学院一系,大连 116018
  • 张明虎
  • 海军大连舰艇学院一系,大连 116018
  • 白雪莲
  • 海军大连舰艇学院一系,大连 116018
  • 摘要:提出了环保型军事训练的概念,针对大量使用的S-4烟幕的严重污染,构建了基于引射技术利用碳酸钠细粉和直接通过三通阀利用氨水的2种清除方法.通过实验确定,碳酸钠的最佳粒径为150目过筛,不同浓度氨水均有好的清除效果,碳酸钠、氨的最佳用量分别为S-4发烟剂的1.35和0.433倍.
  • Abstract:The new concept, military affairs without pollution, was put forward; the serious pollution from S-4 smoke screen was analyzed; and two cleam-up methods were studied. The cleam-up mechanism is based on chemical reaction inside smoke screen with Na2CO3 or NH3·H2O. The smoke screen set was addedvia an ejector or a three-way valve. The optimum diameter and dosage of Na2CO3 powder, the optimum concentrations and dosages of aqua ammonia were discussed by based on the test. These simple and effective methods can keep up the superiority of the smoke screen while to solve its pollution problem.

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