- Characteristics of hydrolysis-acidification process and controlling methods in an anaerobic baffled reactor
- 基金项目:陕西省教委专项基金资助(01JK187);西安建筑科技大学青年教师基金
- 徐金兰
- 西安建筑科技大学环境与市政工程学院, 西安 710055
- 王志盈
- 西安建筑科技大学环境与市政工程学院, 西安 710055
- 摘要:阐述了ABR系统中酸解过程的特征及调控措施.在酸化初期, 各隔室pH逐级升高, COD和VFA逐隔室降低, 具有明显的两段厌氧消化的特点.完全酸化期, 各隔室pH降到35-45范围后就保持相对稳定, 各隔室出水COD与进水COD接近.酸化过程中污泥浓度逐渐降低, SVI增大, 粘度增加, 容易上浮;VFA累积, VFA中甲酸、丙酸、丁酸浓度升高, 随时间延长, 并无自然恢复迹象.采用单独调控碱度或降低负荷的方式, 系统都难以恢复正常, 只有采用在碱度和负荷同时调控时, 约60d后系统恢复正常.
- Abstract:The paper reported the characteristics of hydrolysis acidification process and controlling approaches in an anaerobic baffled reactor.In the initial phase, pH raised and COD and VFA dropped in sequence from one compartment to other, which were the remarkable characteristics of two phase anaerobic digestion process.In the entire hydrolysis acidification period, pH in each compartment decreased to 3.5-4.5 and kept constant since after, and COD content in influent was close to that in effluent.Concentration of sludge decreased, SVI and viscosity increased during acidification.The VFA production was significantly greater and accumulated in the system.Among VFAs, concentrations of formate, propionic acid and butyric acid were increasing.At prolonged operation time, there was no spontaneous recovery.By adjusting alkaline or organic load, the system could not be recovered.However by adjusting alkaline or organic load simultaneously, the system could return to normal conditions in 60 days.
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