- Hysteresis in the sorption and desorption of pentachlorophenol by sediments
- 基金项目:杭州市环保局资助项目(20020668)
- 陈华林
- 1. 浙江大学环境工程系, 杭州 310029; 2. 四川农业大学环境保护系, 雅安 625014
- 摘要:采用循环吸附解吸实验法, 研究了西湖、滇池、太湖、甬江和钱塘江表层沉积物对五氯酚的吸附特性.结果表明五氯酚在5种沉积物上均表现出解吸比吸附滞后的现象.解吸迟滞系数表明, 甬江沉积物的迟滞现象最明显, 各沉积物的迟滞系数大小与沉积物中脂蜡占有机质总量的百分比成正相关.研究认为, 解吸迟滞行为主要是由沉积物中脂蜡组分对五氯酚的不可逆吸附造成的.解吸迟滞现象的存在, 减小了五氯酚在水中的生态风险
- Abstract:The sorption/desorption behavior of pentachlorophenol(PCP) in five sediments were studied using multiple cycles of sorption/desorption experiments. The results showed that the five sediments were found to exhibit statistically significant sorption desorption hysteresis. Correlations between the extent of hysteresis and the percentage of lipid in total organic matters indicated that lipid significantly affects this phenomenon. The hysteresis phenomenon was mostly caused by irreversible sorption of PCP on lipid in sediments. Because of hysteresis, the PCP ecotoxicity would be lower than expected.
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