- Case study on application of water conflict and coordinate models for transboundary regions
- 基金项目:国家重点科技攻关项目(969204004);北京市重大科技项目(9550610400)
- 曾勇
- 北京师范大学环境学院水环境模拟国家重点实验室, 北京 100875
- 杨志峰
- 北京师范大学环境学院水环境模拟国家重点实验室, 北京 100875
- 摘要:以官厅水库为例, 建立了跨边界区域之间水量短缺及水质污染的冲突非合作模型、张家口市合作模型和全区域合作模型;通过比较设定的延续发展和协调发展两种冲突情景方案, 协调发展方案排污少且经济净效益更高, 被确定为推荐方案;50%水文年协调发展方案下, 合作模型与非合作模型比较, 张家口市合作经济净效益增加了1.18亿元年, 全区域合作经济净效益增加了8.57亿元年, 对合作利益进行分配需对张家口市各断面补偿3.89亿元年, 根据模型结果制定出断面控制指标和区域控制指标.
- Abstract:Using models for corrdination of water conflict in transboundary regions, water conflict in Guanting Reservoir watershed was studied.Models were developed with respect to the scenarios such as non cooperative game and cooperative games in Zhangjiakou region and cooperation game in whole watershed.The alternative of coordinative development was selected as recommended scenario, which gains more net benefits, less water use and less pollution when compared with scenario of economic development.Under the coordinative development scenario and in case of P=50%, net benefits from all sections in cooperative game in Zhangjiakou region and cooperation game in whole watershed will increase by 0.12 billion and 0.86 billion Yuan each year, respectively when compared to that of non cooperative game.In distribution of the annual benefits, 0.39 billion Yuan should belong to sections in Zhangjiakou region and so on.The reliability of the models was evaluated by the case study.The models can resolve problems such as water conflict by ensuring the minimum river flow, coordinating water use and pollutant discharge, as well as simulating the conflict.
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