- Variations of background atmospheric methane at Mt.Waliguan, China
- 基金项目:联合国全球环境基金(GLO91G32);日本文部科学省学术振兴会JSPS博士后研究基金(PB01736);中华人民共和国国家科技部基础性工作项目(G99A07)
- 周凌晞
- 1. 中国气象科学研究院, 北京 100081; 2. 日本国立环境研究所, 筑波
- 张晓春
- 1. 北京大学物理学院; 2. 青海省气象局, 西宁 810001
- 摘要:利用1991-05-2002-05期间实测资料, 分析了瓦里关全球基准站(36°17'N, 100°54'E, 海拔3816m)大气CH4本底特征, 并探讨了与源汇过程的关系.结果表明, 瓦里关山大气CH4体积分数本底范围和增长趋势与60°N-30°N平均水平大致相符, 但本底体积分数季节变化与所处纬度带基本特征和季节振幅的地理分布差异较大, 年增长值波动也与全球平均状况并不完全一致, 是所在地区多种CH4源汇和大气输送共同作用的结果.瓦里关站提供的大气CH4本底观测资料, 既能体现亚洲内陆地域特点又具有全球代表性, 辅以其它相关资料, 还可进一步揭示中国内陆高原大气CH4本底特征的成因.
- Abstract:By using observational data during the period of May 1991-May 2002 at Waliguan Observatory(36°17'N, 100°54'E, 3816m asl), characteristics of background atmospheric CH4 as well as potential relationship between sources and sinks, were studied.Results indicated that, the CH4 concentration distribution and the growth trend coincided with the results of other monitoring records in the similar latitudinal band 60°N-30°N.However, the averaged seasonal variation pattem of CH4 and amplitude has a notable discrepancy according to the station's geographical location.The fluctuation of CH4 annual growth values did not reach the global means.The unique CH4 characteristics at Waliguan are probably attributed to the joint influence of multiple sources, sinks, as well as air mass transport from the surrounding areas.The observational data of CH4 obtained at Waliguan represents the Asian continental behavior with global representativeness.It can further explain the formation of background CH4 characteristics in the inland plateau of China by combining with other relevant information.
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