
  • 陈琳,雷乐成,杜瑛珣.UV/Fenton光催化氧化降解对氯苯酚废水反应动力学[J].环境科学学报,2004,24(2):225-230

  • UV/Fenton光催化氧化降解对氯苯酚废水反应动力学
  • Kinetic studies of p-chlorphenol wastewater treatment by UV/Fenton oxidation
  • 基金项目:国家自然科学基金;中节能公司联合资助课题(20176053)
  • 作者
  • 单位
  • 陈琳
  • 浙江大学环境工程系, 杭州(玉泉) 310027
  • 雷乐成
  • 浙江大学环境工程系, 杭州(玉泉) 310027
  • 杜瑛珣
  • 浙江大学环境工程系, 杭州(玉泉) 310027
  • 摘要:研究了UVFenton体系降解对氯苯酚废水的过程及动力学.研究表明, 反应降解速率主要与双氧水加入量、污染物初始浓度、亚铁离子浓度、pH值及载气种类有关.在四分之一双氧水理论投加量的情况下, 通入氧气, 总酚的降解率可达到98%, CODcr去除率80%以上.反应体系通入氧气, 可显著提高污染物的去除率.建立了CODcrUVFenton降解的动力学模型, 结果表明, 该速率方程和实验数据拟合较好.
  • Abstract:The photodegradation of p-chlorphenol in a photo-Fenton process was investigated. The reaction was affected by initial concentration of p-chlorphenol, ferrous ion and H2O2 added, initial pH, as well as carrier gas. With the aid of oxygen aeration, the removal of phenol and CODcr were reached about 98% and 80% respectively when initial concentration of H2O2 added was a quarter of stoichiometric calculated quantities. A kinetic model was adopted to describe the reaction and the rate equation could provide the evidence for the main reaction pathway, which was fitted very well with the experiment data.

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