
  • 陈世宝,朱永官.不同含磷化合物对中国芥菜(Brassica Oleracea)铅吸收特性的影响[J].环境科学学报,2004,24(4):707-712

  • 不同含磷化合物对中国芥菜(Brassica Oleracea)铅吸收特性的影响
  • Effects of different phosphorus-compounds on Pb uptake by Brassica Oleracea
  • 基金项目:科技部863项目(2000AA645010 4);国家杰出青年基金(40225002)
  • 作者
  • 单位
  • 陈世宝
  • 1. 中国科学院生态环境研究中心,北京 100085; 2. 中国农业科学院土壤肥料研究所,北京 100081
  • 朱永官
  • 中国科学院生态环境研究中心,北京 100085
  • 摘要:研究了不同含磷化合物(羟基磷灰石HA、磷矿粉PR、磷酸氢钙SSP)对污染土壤中铅的植物有效性及形态变化影响.结果表明:高磷水平(5000mg·kg-1)对降低植物茎叶和根中铅的含量有明显作用.其中HA对降低土壤中铅的植物有效性的效果最明显,HA5000处理对植物茎叶和根组织中铅的含量分别降低52.2%和73.1%,在5000mg·kg-1的施磷水平下,上述含磷化合物对降低植物吸收铅的影响顺序为:HA>(HA+SSP)>SSP>PR.连续提取法试验结果表明:土壤中加入不同的含磷化合物对形成土壤中残留态铅、降低有效态铅的含量有明显效果,其影响顺序为HA>PR>HA+SSP>SSP.以上结果表明,HA对降低土壤中铅的生物有效性、增加污染土壤中铅的化学稳定性具有明显的效果.
  • Abstract:Effects of different phosphorus compounds (hydroxylapatite, HA; phosphate rock, PR; and single superphosphate, SSP) on the phytoavailibility and speciation of Pb in a contaminated soil were examined. Results showed that the Pb concentrations in both shoots and roots of the vegetable plants (Brassica Oleracea, BO) decreased with increasing quantities of added P compounds, and the HA treatment had the best effect at the level of 5000 mg(P).kg-1 compared with other treatments, in which Pb concentrations in shoots and roots of BO plants decreased by 52.2% and 73.1% respectively compared with the control treatment. At the level of 5000 mg(P). kg-1 the effect of treatments followed this order: HA> PR >HA+SSP>SSP. Sequential extraction results indicated that the addition of different P compounds transformed soil Pb from non residual fractions to the residual fraction substantially. The effect of treatments followed this order at the equivalent level of added P: HA> PR >HA+SSP>SSP. The results suggested that HA amendment could lower the bioavailability and increase the geochemical stability of soil Pb, it therefore has the potential for in situ remediation of Pb contaminated soils.

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