
  • 田鑫,廖强,朱恂,饶佳家.陶瓷球填料生物膜滴滤塔挂膜启动工艺及对甲苯废气的净化性能实验研究[J].环境科学学报,2004,24(5):834-840

  • 陶瓷球填料生物膜滴滤塔挂膜启动工艺及对甲苯废气的净化性能实验研究
  • Experimental study on the start-up of trickling biofilter with ceramic sphere and the purification performance for toluene waste gas
  • 基金项目:国家自然科学基金(No.50006015);重庆市科技攻关项目(No.20016681)
  • 作者
  • 单位
  • 田鑫
  • 重庆大学工程热物理研究所, 重庆 400044
  • 廖强
  • 重庆大学工程热物理研究所, 重庆 400044
  • 朱恂
  • 重庆大学工程热物理研究所, 重庆 400044
  • 饶佳家
  • 重庆大学生物工程学院, 400044
  • 摘要:对陶瓷球填料生物膜滴滤塔挂膜启动工艺以及挂膜后的净化性能进行了实验研究.实验结果表明, 挂膜过程主要由成膜期、生长期和稳定期3个过程组成.在挂膜期间循环液吸光度、填料床压力损失、滴滤塔降解量以及气相进出口温差的变化规律基本相同, 这几个参数可以作为衡量挂膜完成的综合评价指标.在挂膜初期, 进口甲苯浓度和循环液吸光度对挂膜有很大影响.在实验工况范围内, 滴滤塔净化效率随着气体流量和液体流量的增大而降低, 而进口甲苯浓度较小时, 其对降解效率的影响较小.
  • Abstract:The experiments on the start-up of trickling biofilter with ceramic sphere were conducted in the present study. The trickling biofilter was made of stainless steel cylinder with 1050 mm in height and 300 mm in diameter. The trickle-bed with a height of 500 mm consisted of ceramic spheres with 8 mm in diameter. During the experiments, the flow rate of circulation liquid and waste gas, and the concentration of pollutant at the gas inlet ranged from 23 to 62μL·h-1, 0.4 to 1.2μm3·h-1, and 200 to 800μmg·m-3, respectively. The experimental results revealed that the start-up progress of trickling biofilter included biofilm formation period, development period, and stabilization period. The OD600μnm of circulation liquid, the pressure drop of gas in packed bed, the elimination capacity of pollutant, and the temperature difference between the gas outlet and inlet were kept very low in the biofilm formation period, increased rapidly in the development period, and finally were kept almost constant in the stabilization period. The changing tendency of these parameters can be used to evaluate the start-up status of trickling biofilter. The toluene concentration of gas at the inlet and OD600nm of circulation liquid had significant effects on the biofilm formation during the start-up of trickling biofilter. During the start-up progress, the excessive inlet toluene concentration and OD600nm of circulation liquid may result in the failure of the start-up of trickling biofilter. After start-up of trickling biofilter was accomplished, it took two weeks to stabilize the experimental system. The experiments on purification efficiency of the trickling biofilter for toluene waste gas under counter-current flow of gas and liquid were conducted. The experimental results revealed that the purification efficiency of trickling biofilter decreased with increasing gas flow rate, liquid flow rate, and inlet toluene concentration, individually. The inlet toluene concentration had almost no effect on the purification efficiency at lower inlet toluene concentration.

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