
  • 王激清,茹淑华,苏德纯.印度芥菜和油菜互作对各自吸收土壤中难溶态镉的影响[J].环境科学学报,2004,24(5):890-894

  • 印度芥菜和油菜互作对各自吸收土壤中难溶态镉的影响
  • Effects of Indian mustard and oilseed rape co|cropping on absorbing insoluble cadmium of contaminated soil
  • 基金项目:国家重点基础研究发展规划项目(2002CB410804);国家自然基金项目(20277045)资助
  • 作者
  • 单位
  • 王激清
  • 1. 农业部植物营养学重点实验室, 教育部植物-土壤相互作用重点实验室, 中国农业大学植物营养系, 北京 100094; 2. 河北北方学院, 张家口 075131
  • 茹淑华
  • 农业部植物营养学重点实验室, 教育部植物-土壤相互作用重点实验室, 中国农业大学植物营养系, 北京 100094
  • 苏德纯
  • 农业部植物营养学重点实验室, 教育部植物-土壤相互作用重点实验室, 中国农业大学植物营养系, 北京 100094
  • 摘要:在石灰性土壤加入CdCO3条件下, 通过温室土培盆栽试验研究印度芥菜和油菜互作对各自吸收土壤中难溶态镉的影响.试验结果表明, 印度芥菜和油菜互作时, 印度芥菜对养分的竞争能力强, 地上部干重高于单作时的;而与之互作的油菜由于根际土壤溶液中的有效态镉含量增加或对养分的竞争能力弱, 地上部干重低于单作时的.印度芥菜的根系有很强的活化能力, 和油菜互作时可提高植物提取修复难溶态镉污染土壤的能力, 和单作相比, 互作对印度芥菜吸收镉的能力无显着影响, 但却可以显着增加油菜植株体内的镉含量, 在土壤相同镉量的条件下, 印度芥菜和油菜互作时植株的吸镉量和对土壤的净化率均高于单作.
  • Abstract:Phytoremediation is a promising new method that uses green plants to take up or deloxify Cd from contaminated soils. One species of plant can affect the other co-cropped species, two plant species of co-cropping used for phytoremediation method may improve remediation efficiency. Effects of Indian mustard and oilseed rape co-cropping on the uptake of insoluble cadmium from contaminated soils were investigated in a greenhouse pot experiment with the addition of CdCO3 to calcareous soil. The results showed that Indian mustard could compete more nutrients than oilseed rape when Indian mustard and oilseed rape were co-cropped. Thus Indian mustard had higher shoot dry weight yield. On the contrary, oilseed rape had poorer shoot dry weight yield when Indian mustard and oilseed rape were co-cropped, because oilseed rape could compete less nutrients or had more soluble Cd in the rhizosphere soil. Indian mustard could activate insoluble Cd, Indian mustard and oilseed Rape co-cropping could enhance their phytoremediation potential for contaminated soil, so Indian mustard and oilseed rape co-cropping could markedly increase Cd concentrations in oilseed rape shoots while Indian mustard showed a marginal increase. Compared with Indian mustard or oilseed rape mono-cropping, Indian mustard and oilseed Rape co-cropping could increase their Cd uptake and Cd remediation rates.

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