- Absorption of nitrogen and phosphorus from shrimp culture water by Gracilaria
- 基金项目:农业部渔业生态环境重点开放实验室开放基金资助项目(20038);广东省自然科学基金资助项目(000719)
- 林钦
- 农业部渔业生态环境重点开放实验室,广州510300
- 摘要:通过研究来自斑节对虾养殖水和人工配方2种不同来源的氮、磷对细基江蓠繁枝变种的生长及生化成分的影响, 以及不同温度下斑节对虾氮磷排出率与细基江蓠繁枝变种对氮、磷吸收率这2种代谢率之间的关系, 探讨江蓠对对虾排出氮、磷的利用和水质净化时江蓠与对虾的定量关系。 在不同营养来源的生长实验中, 细基江蓠繁枝变种的日生长率随氮浓度的升高而增大, 其粗蛋白含量也随氮浓度的升高而增加。 但在相同可溶性无机氮、磷浓度下, 不同营养盐来源间细基江蓠繁枝变种的日生长率及藻体的成分组成没有差异(p>005)。 这表明, 对
- Abstract:This study was preformed to assess Gracilaria tenuistipitata var. liui Zhang et Xia absorption of the nitrogen and phosphorus from Penaeus monodon culture water and quantitative relation between Gracilaria and the shrimp during aquaculture water treatment. The Growth and the chemical composition of G. tenuistipitata var. liui Zhang et Xia fertilized by two sources——the synthetical fertilizer and the culture filtrate from Penaeus monodon, the nutrient absorption rates of the alga, and the nutrient excretion rates of the shrimp were measured. The result of the growth experiment showed that the daily growth rates and the crude protein content of G. tenuistipitata var. liui Zhang et Xia became higher with the increase of nutrient concentrations. However, in the same concentrations of the inorganic dissolved nitrogen and phosphorus, the daily growth rates and tissue components of the algae cultured with the different nutrient resources were statistically indistinguishable (p<0.05). The result suggested that the inorganic dissolved nitrogen and phosphorus were the main nutrient factors that influenced the growth of the alga cultured in shrimp culture filtrate. The relation between nutrients excreted by the shrimp and nutrients absorbed by the alga was examined in the second experiment. The trend of the nitrogen excretion rate of shrimps went up with rising temperatures, but the nitrogen adsorption rates of G. tenuistipitata var. liui Zhang et Xia were statistically equivalent at 20℃~28℃, decreasing significantly at 32℃(p<0.05). At temperatures of 20℃ and 24℃,the phosphorus excretion rate of the shrimp was less than the phosphorus absorption rate of the alga, and it is reverse at 28℃ and 32℃. It needed 1.93g of the alga at 20℃ and 13.17g at 32℃ to absorb the nitrogen excreted by 1g of the shrimp, but for phosphorus, 0.78g at 20℃ and 1.17g at 32℃ was needed, respectively. Therefore, if Gracilaria tenuistipitata var. liui Zhang et Xia was used to treat shrimp aquaculture water, estimation of the algal biomass added into the water basing on nitrogen and phosphorus excreted by shrimps plays a role in the effect of the treatment.
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