
  • 张俊丰,童志权.Fe/Cu体系湿式催化氧化一步高效脱除H2S新方法研究[J].环境科学学报,2005,25(4):497-501

  • Fe/Cu体系湿式催化氧化一步高效脱除H2S新方法研究
  • Study on the wet catalytic oxidation of H2S to sulfur by Fe/Cu catalyst
  • 基金项目:
  • 作者
  • 单位
  • 张俊丰
  • 湘潭大学环境工程系, 湘潭 411105
  • 童志权
  • 湘潭大学环境工程系, 湘潭 411105
  • 摘要:提出了FeCu体系室温湿式催化氧化一步高效脱除H2S废气的新方法,阐述了反应机理、实验装置和工艺流程;考察了Fe3+、Cu2+浓度和H2S入口浓度对H2S脱除效率的影响及Fe3+、H+与添加剂NaCl浓度对CuS氧化浸出的影响,分析了Fe3+、Cu2+、H+浓度和废气中O2含量对Fe3+、Cu2+再生的影响;并进行了综合实验.结果表明,当废气中O2体积分数为5%时,新方法中含40g·L-1Cu2+及80g·L-1Fe3+的吸收体系即能对体积分数为1000×10-6的H2S废气100%稳定脱硫,体系除消耗O2外,过程不消耗任何原料,不产生二次污染,体系无降解问题.
  • Abstract:The wet catalytic oxidation under room temperature was invented with new type catalyst for H2Sremoval, and the reaction mechanism, experimental condition and process diagram were also investigated. Not only the effects of the concentrations of Fe3+,Cu2+ and the inlet concentration of H2Son the removal efficiency of H2S, but also the effects of the concentrations of Fe3+, H+ and added agent NaCl on the oxidizing rate of CuSwere studied. Furthermore the comprehensive experiments were established, and the results showed that the removal efficiency of H2Scould reach 100%. The removal of H2S, production of sulfur and regeneration of Fe3+,Cu2+ could be accomplished in one equipment at the same time, when 5% O2 was in exhaust gas under the conditions that the concentrations of Fe3+, Cu2+were 40g·L-1 and 80g·L-1 respectively in the absorbing agent. None raw material will be consumed except O2 in the flue gas and the process has no secondary pollution and no problem of degradation.

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