- The effect of pulverized coal size on nitrogen oxides emission performance from pulverized coal combustion
- 基金项目:上海市发展基金资助项目(NO:02GK08)
- 摘要:通过数值模拟和试验研究,探讨了煤粉在一维热态试验炉内燃烧时,煤粉粒度对NOx排放特性的影响规律.研究结果表明:NOx的排放浓度与煤粉粒度的关系中,存在一个煤粉粒度临界值.当煤粉粒度小于临界值时,随煤粉粒度的减小,NOx的排放浓度减小;当煤粉粒度大于临界值时,随煤粉粒度的减小,NOx的排放浓度增大;无论在氧化性气氛中,还是在还原性气氛中,煤粉超细化后NOx的释放浓度均减小;煤粉高度细化后,褐煤NOx的排放浓度明显减少,无烟煤则变化不大.模拟计算与试验结果较为吻合.
- Abstract:Mathematical simulation and experimental study for the influence of pulverized coal size on NOx emission performance in a bench scale furnace have been done. The results show that there exists a critical diameter (dc). If d<dc, the NOx concentration reduces with the decrease of pulverized coal size. If d>dc, the NOx concentration reduces with the increase of the pulverized coal size. The concentration of NOx is reduced for superfine pulverized coal whether in the oxidative circumstance or in the reductive circumstance. The quantity of NOx released from superfine pulverized coal decreased obviously for lignite, but decreased little in some sort for anthracite. Overall reasonable agreement between the simulating and experimental results for NOx release behavior is obtained.
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