
  • 马乐凡,童志权,张俊丰.液相络合-铁粉还原酸吸收回收法脱除烟气中NOx的机理研究[J].环境科学学报,2005,25(5):637-642

  • 液相络合-铁粉还原酸吸收回收法脱除烟气中NOx的机理研究
  • Mechanism study of NOx removal from flue gas with the recovery process of absorption with acid following complex in aqueous solution and reduction with iron powder
  • 基金项目:湖南省教育厅资助科研项目(03C051)
  • 作者
  • 单位
  • 马乐凡
  • 1. 湘潭大学化工学院环境工程系, 湘潭 411105; 2. 长沙理工大学生物与轻工系, 长沙 410015
  • 童志权
  • 湘潭大学化工学院环境工程系, 湘潭 411105
  • 张俊丰
  • 湘潭大学化工学院环境工程系, 湘潭 411105
  • 摘要:提出了"Fe2+螯合剂吸收-铁粉还原-酸吸收"回收法脱除烟气中NOx的新工艺.通过对脱氮后气、液相组成的分析,重点研究了脱氮的反应机理.结果表明,处理后气体中没有产生N2O,脱氮液中也没有NO2-和NO3+形成,脱氮过程中NO全部被铁粉还原成了氨;在无氧的条件下,脱氮量与铁粉消耗量的比值(摩尔比)为2/1,在有氧的条件下,脱氮量与铁粉消耗量的比值为1/2.在此基础上提出了脱氮的化学反应.同时还确定了本实验的在反应条件下脱氮液中氨的平衡浓度.
  • Abstract:A novel recovery process for removal of NOx from flue gas with the sequence of absorption with acid following the complex in aqueous solutions of ferrous chelates and reduction with iron powder is proposed. The constituents of gas and liquid phases after NOx removal are analyzed, and the reaction mechanism of the NOx removal is investigated emphatically. The results show that there is no N2O formed in the exhaust and no NO2- and NO3- ion formed in the denitrification liquid. All of the NO in the flue gas is reduced into NH3. The molar ratio of denitrification amount to the consumption of iron powder is 2/1 without oxygen in the simulated flue gas, and that is 1/2 when the oxygen content is 5%. The chemical reactions of the process are developed. The equilibrium concentration of ammonia in the denitrification liquid is determined under the experimental conditions.

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