
  • 董世翔,钱光人.利用MSWI飞灰构建新型填埋固化基质的研究[J].环境科学学报,2005,25(8):1052-1057

  • 利用MSWI飞灰构建新型填埋固化基质的研究
  • Novel solidification/stabilization matrices for safe landfill by utilizing MSWI fly ash
  • 基金项目:国家自然科学基金项目(No.20477024);上海市教委2003年科技发展基金项目
  • 作者
  • 单位
  • 董世翔
  • 上海大学环境与化工学院, 上海 200072
  • 钱光人
  • 上海大学环境与化工学院, 上海 200072
  • 摘要:介绍了以MSWI飞灰为主要组分,利用富铝组分调控所构建的Friedel-ettringite为主导相的新型固化体系.考察了固化体系的抗压强度并用美国EPA毒性浸出实验(TCLP),评价固化材料中重金属的浸出特性,使用XRD、DTG分析了固化体系的微观矿物相,FTIR图谱对固化体系矿物相的有关基团振动谱带进行比较,通过重金属的化学形态分布了解重金属在其中的赋存状态.结果表明,新体系可以通过矿物相的晶体化合作用对Pb、Cd、Zn重金属进行有效束缚,实现稳定固化.这种新型固化体系可望用于MSWI飞灰与其它重金属类危险废物的填埋共处置.
  • Abstract:The possibilities of MSWIfly ash as major constituent of novel solidification/stabilization matrices for safe landfill have been explored by mixing MSWI fly ash with aluminum-silicon component to form Friedel and ettringite phases with high fixing capacities for heavy metals. The physical properties, heavy metals-fixing capacity, mineral phases and its vibration bands in the new matrices have been characterized by compressive strength, TCLP, XRD and DTG and FTIR respectively. The sequential extraction procedure was used to analyses the fractions of chemical speciation for Pb, Cd and Zn ions. The result indicates that new S/S matrices can incorporate Pb, Cd and Zn ions effectively by physical encapsulation and chemical fixation, and they exhibit a great potential in co-landfill treatment of MSWI fly ash with other heavy metals-bearing hazardous wastes.

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