- Leak current model in leakage detection of HDPE liner using high voltage DC method
- 基金项目:国家高科技研究发展计划(863计划)项目(批准号:2001AA644010)
- 杨萍
- 中国矿业大学(北京)机电与信息工程学院, 北京 100083
- 董路
- 中国环境科学研究院固体废物污染控制技术研究所, 北京 100012
- 王琪
- 中国环境科学研究院固体废物污染控制技术研究所, 北京 100012
- 王彦文
- 中国矿业大学(北京)机电与信息工程学院, 北京 100083
- 黄启飞
- 中国环境科学研究院固体废物污染控制技术研究所, 北京 100012
- 摘要:建立了填埋场渗漏检测高压直流电法漏洞电流模型.将单衬层填埋场看作水平方向为无穷大的3层均匀介质,上层为垃圾层,中间层为人工合成衬层,下层为土壤层.漏洞电流对周围空间电势分布的影响被等效为位于电流流入端的负电流源和位于电流流出端的正电流源对周围空间电势分布的影响.膜上漏洞检测通过偶极子法试验、膜下漏洞检测通过电极栅格法试验,结果表明用所建模型计算的理论值与实测值吻合较好.
- Abstract:A new leak current model of high voltage DC leak detection is developed. For single-liner landfill, the waste material layer, the geomembrane liner, and the soil under the liner are simulated by infinite horizontal layers. And the leak current is regarded as two parts, which one is negative current resource at the entrance, and the other one is positive current resource with the same size at the exit. To identify the validity of the model and locate the leaks in the geomembrane liner, pole-dipole experiments above the liner and fixed electrodes experiments under the liner were carried out at a medium scale geomembrane lined facility. The agreement is satisfactory between the experimental data and the calculated model value, which validates that it is helpful to predict leaks in geomembrane liner with the model.
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