- Removal effect of Dimethyl Phthalate in water by UV, H2O2, O3 and combination processes and corresponding mechanism analysis
- 基金项目:国家863高技术研究发展计划资助项目(No.2002AA601130);国家科技攻关计划重大项目资助(No.2003BA808A17)
- 芮旻
- 同济大学污染控制与资源化研究国家重点实验室, 上海 200092
- 高乃云
- 1. 同济大学污染控制与资源化研究国家重点实验室, 上海 200092; 2. 上海市水务局, 上海 200003
- 徐斌
- 同济大学污染控制与资源化研究国家重点实验室, 上海 200092
- 赵建夫
- 同济大学污染控制与资源化研究国家重点实验室, 上海 200092
- 乐林生
- 上海市自来水市北有限公司, 上海 200086
- 摘要:采用UV、H2O2、O3及其联用工艺对自来水本底条件下邻苯二甲酸二甲酯(DMP)的去除效果、特性及降解机理进行了对比和分析.采用单独的UV光照射不能有效去除DMP;而UV-H2O2联用工艺对DMP具有良好的去除效果.在DMP初始浓度约为1.0mg.L-1,UV光强为133.9μW.cm-2,H2O2投加量为20mg.L-1的条件下,30min后DMP的去除效果可以达到73.08%,在降解过程中,监测到DMP氧化产物;当DMP初始浓度约为1.0mg·L-1,O3投加量为3mg.L-1时,单独O3氧化DMP的去除率为55.81%;UV-O3联用工艺对DMP的去除效果略优于单独O3氧化,去除效果提高了10%左右.单独O3和UV-O3氧化在初始氧化阶段可形成不同于UV-H2O2工艺的降解产物;UV-H2O2-O3联用工艺能高效氧化水中DMP,O3的投加不但极大的增强了UV-H2O2工艺的氧化性能,同时抑制了UV+H2O2降解过程中DMP氧化产物的生成,并使生成的产物快速降解.几种氧化工艺对DMP去除效果顺序依次为UV<O3<UV-O3<UV-H2O2<UV-H2O2-O3.
- Abstract:The removal performance and mechanism of DMPremoval in water using UV, H2O2, O3 and their combination processes were compared and analyzed. According to the experimental results, DMPcould not be effectively removed by UVradiation only, while UV-H2O2 process could achieve quite good results. With the initial concentration of DMPabout 1.0 mg·L-1, its removal efficiency reached 73.08% under the condition that the intensity of UVradiation and the dosage of H2O2 were 133.9 μW·cm-2 and 20 mg·L-1 respectively. Meanwhile, an oxidation byproduct was detected in the degrading process. With initial concentration of DMPabout 1.0 mg·L-1 and ozone dosage about 3 mg·L-1, its removal efficiency was 55.81% in the ozonation process. The oxidation efficiency of UV-O3 process was merely about 10% higher than that of O3 oxidation only. However, it could be found that the degradation pathway of DMPby O3 and UV-O3 differ from that by UV-H2O2, and different byproducts were produced in the initial stage. As a matter of fact, UV-H2O2-O3 process had the excellent degradation effects for removing DMP. The addition of O3 not only strengthened oxidation capability of UV-H2O2 effectively, but also restrained the production of detected byproducts. In summary, the sequence for DMPremoval efficiencies by these advanced oxidation processes could be expressed in turn as: UV<O3<UV-O3<UV-H2O2<UV-H2O2-O3.
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