
  • 邓娜,张于峰,牛宝联,孙越霞,陈静.医疗废物典型组分的热重分析及新的动力学模型[J].环境科学学报,2005,25(11):1484-1490

  • 医疗废物典型组分的热重分析及新的动力学模型
  • Thermogravimetric study and kinetic model on pyrolysis of medical waste compositions
  • 基金项目:国家自然科学基金(No.50378062);天津市科委重大攻关项目(No.013109611);天津大学南开大学研究项目(No.TD200111)
  • 作者
  • 单位
  • 邓娜
  • 天津大学环境学院建筑设备系 天津 300072
  • 张于峰
  • 天津大学环境学院建筑设备系 天津 300072
  • 牛宝联
  • 天津大学环境学院建筑设备系 天津 300072
  • 孙越霞
  • 天津大学环境学院建筑设备系 天津 300072
  • 陈静
  • 天津大学环境学院建筑设备系 天津 300072
  • 摘要:为研究医疗废物的热解失重规律和反应动力学机制,对其热失重过程进行了模拟.利用差热热重分析仪,在氮气气氛下对医疗废物的14种典型组分进行了热解实验,建立了“整体两步四反应模型”.结果显示,样品失水后,在160℃~290℃之间开始热解,次序依次为药物类、塑料类、蛋白质类、生物质类、合成纤维类和橡胶类;经过一步或两步失重,在800℃时热解基本完成.所建立的“整体两步四反应模型”能很好地描述样品的热解行为,最大相对误差为1.68%,并可以对医疗废物的热解产物进行预测.
  • Abstract:To obtain thermal decomposition and kinetic reaction mechanism of medical waste, thermogravimetric study of the 14 kinds of the typical medical waste compositions was carried out using the thermogravimetric analyser (TGA) with N2. The mathematics model with two steps and four reactions was established to simulate the pyrolysis process. The results showed that: a)within the temperature range between 160 ℃ to 290℃, medicine, plastic, protein, biomass, synthetic fibre and rubber started to enter pyrolysis process in succession; b) there was at least one or two decompositing stages for the these materials; c) pyrolysis processes of all waste samples ended basically at about 800℃; d) the model could describe satisfactorily the weight loss and differential process of all waste samples within its maximum deviation 1.68 %. The effect of the original waste compositions and all their product with different pyrolysis temperature in process could be estimated based on the model.

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