
  • 丁永伟,王琳,王宝贞.悬浮态污泥的SRT对复合式A2/O工艺性能的影响[J].环境科学学报,2005,25(12):1608-1614

  • 悬浮态污泥的SRT对复合式A2/O工艺性能的影响
  • Effects of Suspended Sludge SRT on hybrid A2/O pollutants removal performance
  • 基金项目:
  • 作者
  • 单位
  • 丁永伟
  • 哈尔滨工业大学市政及环境工程学院, 哈尔滨 150090
  • 王琳
  • 1. 哈尔滨工业大学市政及环境工程学院, 哈尔滨 150090;
    2. 中国海洋大学环境科学与工程学院, 青岛 266003
  • 王宝贞
  • 哈尔滨工业大学市政及环境工程学院, 哈尔滨 150090
  • 摘要:采用厌氧/缺氧/好氧复合工艺(复合式A2/O工艺)及其对照工艺(传统A2/O工艺),进行了悬浮态污泥SRT的变化对系统性能影响的试验研究.结果表明,悬浮态污泥浓度与其SRT的关系仍符合劳伦斯-麦卡蒂方程式的导出公式所反映的变化趋势,但其同时和反应器中填料上的生物膜数量呈相反变化趋势.在总HRT为12.76h、COD容积负荷小于1.5kg·m-3·d-1、TKN容积负荷小于0.13kg·m-3·d-1、悬浮态污泥SRT为25~5d、水温为12~15℃时,悬浮态污泥SRT的变化对COD的去除几乎没有影响,出水COD均小于50mg·L-1;但SRT的变化对氮和磷的去除有较大的影响,当悬浮态污泥SRT大于10d时,出水NH4+-N和TN浓度分别低于15mg·L-1和20mg·L-1,随SRT的增大,TP的去除效率下降;附着态生物膜参与硝化过程,能够提高系统总的NH4+-N去除率20%~30%.悬浮态污泥SRT宜控制为10~15d,这可在一定程度上解决或缓解传统A2/O工艺中硝化和除磷过程对污泥龄要求的矛盾.
  • Abstract:The pilot experimental study on the performance of the hybrid anaerobic/anoxic/ aerobic(hybrid A2/O)system was conducted in comparison with the conventional A2/O process with the emphasis on the effects of suspended sludge retention time(SRT)on pollutants removal. The results indicated that the relation between the mixed liquid suspended sludge concentration(MLSS)and SRTwas in keeping with the variation trend expressed by the formula derived from the Lawrence-McCarty equation, and the MLSS in suspended was found decreasing with the increasing of biofilm quantity attached carrier. Under the condition of that total HRT 12.76 h, CODvolumetric loading rate ≤1.5 (kg·m-3·d-1), TKN ≤0.13 (kg·m-3·d-1), SRT 25~5 d and water temperature 12~15℃, the variation of SRThad little effect on CODremoval, and the effluentCODconcentration was below 50 (mg·L-1). The change of SRThad distinct effect on nitrogen and phosphorus removal. For the suspended sludge SRTno less than 10d, the effluent NH4+-Nand TNconcentration were below 15 (mg·L-1) and 20 (mg·L-1) respectively. The phosphorus removal rate decreased with increasing of SRT. Attached biofilm participated in nitrification, which improved NH4+-N removal rate by 20%~30%. The SRTshould be controlled for 10~15 d, which optimally compromised the conflict in SRTbetween nitrogen and phosphorus removal of conventional A2/O process.

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