
  • 王娟,张遵真,张浩,李娜,车望军.重组酵母测评系统对环境样品雌激素活性的检测[J].环境科学学报,2005,25(12):1698-1701

  • 重组酵母测评系统对环境样品雌激素活性的检测
  • Detection of estrogenic activity of environmental mixtures with recombinant yeast estrogen system
  • 基金项目:
  • 作者
  • 单位
  • 王娟
  • 四川大学华西公共卫生学院环境卫生教研室, 成都 610041
  • 张遵真
  • 四川大学华西公共卫生学院环境卫生教研室, 成都 610041
  • 张浩
  • 四川大学华西公共卫生学院环境卫生教研室, 成都 610041
  • 李娜
  • 四川大学华西公共卫生学院环境卫生教研室, 成都 610041
  • 车望军
  • 四川大学华西公共卫生学院环境卫生教研室, 成都 610041
  • 摘要:采用重组酵母测评系统对香烟烟雾溶液和汽车尾气提取物分别进行雌激素活性的测定.结果显示在受试浓度下,PBS烟雾溶液和DMSO烟雾溶液的β-半乳糖苷酶活性与溶剂对照相比均无显著性差异(P>0.05).汽油燃料车尾气在600mL·mL-1时,其酵母菌液OD600明显低于DMSO对照组(P<0.05);在150mL·mL-1剂量时,汽油燃料车尾气所检出的β-半乳糖苷酶活性为44.56,与DMSO对照组相比有显著性差异(P<0.05),当剂量增加至300mL·mL-1,酶活性升高为66.43,约为对照组的12倍,其它各剂量组酶活性与DMSO对照组相比无显著性差异(P>0.05);甲醇燃料车尾气的β-半乳糖苷酶活性与溶剂对照相比无显著性差异(P>0.05).提示汽油燃料车尾气具有弱雌激素活性,甲醇燃料车尾气和香烟烟雾溶液未检出雌激素活性.
  • Abstract:To detect estrogenic activity of Cigarette Smoking Solution(CSS) and vehicle exhaust extracts with recombinant yeast estrogen system respectively. Results showed that there were no statistically significance in β-galactosidase activity between PBS CSSand control group on the tested concentrations, and it was the same to DMSO CSS and control group. Apparently, the OD600 value of gasoline-fueled vehicle exhausts decreased when the concentration was 600 (mL·mL-1,) and there was statistically significant difference between DMSO and them. When the concentration was 150 (mL·mL-1,)the β-galactosidase activity tested in gasoline-fueled vehicle exhausts was 44.56, and there was statistically significant difference between DMSO and them. When the concentration was 300 (mL·mL-1,)the β-galactosidase activity increased to 66.43 which was twelve times as control group. There was no statistical difference in β-galactosidase activity between other concentration groups and DMSOcontrol group, and such results happened to the β-galactosidase activity of methanol-fueled vehicle exhausts. The results suggested that it has low estrogenic activity by activating estrogenic receptor in gasoline-fueled vehicle exhausts and it has no estrogenic activity in methanol-fueled vehicle exhausts and cigarette smoking solution.

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