- Study on intensity of microorganism nitrification and denitrification in contructed wetlands
- 基金项目:国家科技部"十五"科技专项资助"滇池流域面源污染控制"(No.k99-05-35-02)
- 王晓娟
- 武汉大学生命科学院微生物系, 湖北 430070
- 张荣社
- 清华大学环境科学与工程系, 北京 100084
- 摘要:通过对表面流和潜流人工湿地中不同填料层的微生物硝化和反硝化强度进行对比研究,探讨了人工湿地脱氮过程中硝化反硝化作用的变化,从微生物角度分析了人工湿地脱氮效果的差别.研究结果表明,人工湿地系统可以同时进行硝化和反硝化作用.表面流湿地硝化强度高于潜流湿地,2个系统中的硝化强度具有较明显的分层现象,上层硝化强度高于下层.2个系统中沿程硝化强度呈递减趋势,硝化强度反映氨氮去除率的大小,表面流湿地氨氮的去除率高于芦苇潜流湿地30%~40%.反硝化强度比较结果表明,潜流湿地上层土壤填料的反硝化强度最高,砾石填料反硝化强度最低,表面流湿地反硝化强度居中,2个系统反硝化强度上下分层不明显,沿程基本保持不变.
- Abstract:Intensity of microorganism nitrification and denitrification in contructed wetlands was studied in piolit scale, the difference of nitrogen removal efficiency was analyzed from microorganism attitude. The results show that nitrification and denitrification can be done at the same time in constructed wetland, nitrification intensity of free surface wetlands(FSW) is better than that of subsurface flow system (SFS), the upper layer is better than low layer in two systems, the intensity decreases gradually with distance. NH3-N removal rate of Surface flow wetland is 30%~40% higher than that of subsurface flow wetland. The soil denitrification intensity of SFS is the best, denitrification intensity almost keeps stable in two systems.
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