
  • 高志文,何品晶,邵立明,李国建,俞觊觎,陈增丰.生活垃圾填埋场填埋作业台阶甲烷排放研究[J].环境科学学报,2006,26(2):236-240

  • 生活垃圾填埋场填埋作业台阶甲烷排放研究
  • Methane emission from active terrace of municipal solid waste landfills
  • 基金项目:国家高技术研究发展计划(863计划)项目(No.2001AA644010,2003AA644020)
  • 作者
  • 单位
  • 高志文
  • 同济大学, 污染控制与资源化研究国家重点实验室, 上海 200092
  • 何品晶
  • 同济大学, 污染控制与资源化研究国家重点实验室, 上海 200092
  • 邵立明
  • 同济大学, 污染控制与资源化研究国家重点实验室, 上海 200092
  • 李国建
  • 同济大学, 污染控制与资源化研究国家重点实验室, 上海 200092
  • 俞觊觎
  • 杭州市天子岭废弃物处理总场, 杭州 310022
  • 陈增丰
  • 杭州市天子岭废弃物处理总场, 杭州 310022
  • 摘要:为了解我国生活垃圾填埋场填埋作业期间的甲烷排放情况,采用DM(Default Methodology)模型、Land GEM(Landfill Gas Emission Model)模型与静态箱法模拟和测试计算了杭州市天子岭生活垃圾填埋场填埋作业台阶1h的甲烷排放量,结果分别为3.65×103m3、1.52×103m3和1.11×103m3;与DM模型相比,LandGEM模型的模拟结果与现场测试结果更接近.生活垃圾填埋场在填埋作业台阶运行期间(约2年)产生的甲烷量约占理论产生总量的50%,而填埋气体主动收集系统收集率仅为43%,即在此期间未被收集利用而排放的甲烷量约占理论产生总量的29%.因此,调控填埋作业期间的甲烷排放是我国控制生活垃圾填埋场甲烷排放总量的关键之一.
  • Abstract:To investigate the methane emission quantity from municipal solid waste landfills during landfilling operation in China, Default Methodology(DM)model, Landfill Gas Emission Model(LandGEM)and static chamber method were used to estimate the rates of methane emission from active terrace of Hangzhou Tianziling municipal solid waste landfill. The results were 3.65×103, 1.52×103 and 1.11×10 3m3·h-1 respectively. The calculated result of LandGEM model was more close to that of the field measurement. Methane produced during the first two years accounted for 50% of the total methane production from the municipal solid waste landfill. However, only 43% of the gas was utilized by the gas collection system, which meant that 29% of the total methane quantity released without control or utilization during the two years of landfilling operation. Therefore, control of methane emission during landfilling operation was important for reducing methane emission from municipal solid waste landfills in China.

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