
  • 邢小茹,魏复盛,吴国平,胡伟,王春利.人体硼暴露生物标志物的筛选研究[J].环境科学学报,2006,26(2):323-330

  • 人体硼暴露生物标志物的筛选研究
  • Selection of biomarker for boron exposure to human body
  • 基金项目:中美科技合作项目(由美国NIOSH资助)(No.1900-G-CD114);国家环境保护总局科技项目(No.2002-07-08)
  • 作者
  • 单位
  • 邢小茹
  • 北京科技大学土木与环境工程学院, 北京 100083
  • 魏复盛
  • 中国环境检测总站, 北京 100029
  • 吴国平
  • 中国环境检测总站, 北京 100029
  • 胡伟
  • 中国环境检测总站, 北京 100029
  • 王春利
  • 丹东市环境监测站, 丹东 118002
  • 摘要:为了寻找一种合适的硼暴露生物标志物,为环境风险评价提供依据,分析了硼暴露下人体尿液、血液和精液中的硼浓度及其与人体日硼摄入量的相互关系.结果发现,硼暴露组工人、社区对照人群和背景对照人群的日硼摄入量分别为31.3、4.25和1.40mg·d-1,下班时的尿硼肌酐校正浓度分别为14.7、4.49和1.58mg·g-1,血清硼浓度分别为252、114和39.1ng·mL-1,精液硼浓度分别为592、281和146ng·mL-1.受试者的班后尿硼浓度、血清硼浓度和精液硼浓度均与日硼摄入量存在着显著的对数线性关系,回归方程的确定系数分别为0.856、0.702和0.610.尿硼浓度与日硼摄入量的关系最好,可以更好地反映人体硼暴露的情况.尿硼、血清硼和精硼浓度两两之间也存在着显著的对数线性关系,其中尿硼-血清硼的关系最好,Spearman相关系数为0.801,可以用尿硼浓度来反映血清硼与精硼的水平.根据生物标志物的筛选条件,尿硼浓度可以较好地反映硼的内外暴露情况,筛选出班后尿硼作为硼暴露的生物标志物.
  • Abstract:Daily boron intake, boron concentrations in post-shift urine, serum and semen of human body and their correlativities were analyzed in this paper. The result showed that daily boron intake of the three groups, boron exposure group, community control group and the control group, were respectively 31.3, 4.25 and 1.40 mg·d-1; boron concentrations of post-shift urine adjusted by creatinines of the three groups were 14.7, 4.49 and 1.58 mg·g-1, respectively; blood serum boron concentrations of the three groups were respectively 252、114 and 39.1 ng·mL-1; and semen boron concentrations of the three groups were 592, 281 and 146 ng·mL-1. There were significant logarithmic linear correlativity between daily boron intake and boron concentrations in post-shift urine, serum and semen, and the coefficients of determination of the regression equations were 0.856, 0.702 and 0.610, respectively. The correlativity between post-shift urine boron concentration and daily boron intake was the best and it was better to use boron concentration in post-shift urine to estimate boron exposure to humanbody. For boron concentrations of post-shift urine, blood serum and semen, significant logarithmic linear correlativities were found every two of them, among which the correlativity between boron concentrations in urine and serum was the best with the Spearman correlation coefficient of 0.801. Therefore, urine boron concentration could be used to estimate the boron level in serum and semen well. Finally, according to the condition of biomarker,urine boron concentration could estimate the external and internal of boron exposure perfectly. Therefore, boron concentration of post-shift urine was selected as the best biomarker for boron exposure.

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