
  • 刘和平,李金惠.阴极射线管中低熔点玻璃的溶解规律研究[J].环境科学学报,2006,26(3):466-471

  • 阴极射线管中低熔点玻璃的溶解规律研究
  • Studies on the solubility law of cathode ray tube frit
  • 基金项目:国家高技术研究发展计划(863计划)项目(No.2002AA644020)
  • 作者
  • 单位
  • 刘和平
  • 清华大学环境科学与工程系, 北京 100084
  • 李金惠
  • 清华大学环境科学与工程系, 北京 100084
  • 摘要:阴极射线管是电子显示系统的主要部件,含有大量铅,其废弃物的浸出毒性超过我国危险废物鉴别标准。废阴极射线管资源化的关键是锥屏的分离,分离后的锥屏玻璃可用于显像管的再制造、铅的提炼和玻璃的再生产等。采用超声波辅助酸热冲击法对低熔点玻璃的溶解规律进行研究的结果表明,同乙酸相比硝酸溶解低熔点玻璃的速率更大,硝酸浓度对低熔点玻璃的溶解速率有影响;低熔点玻璃中存在的金属离子与硝酸反应后生成的物质,如硝酸铅、硝酸钡、硝酸锌及硼酸等的存在会使低熔点玻璃的溶解速率降低.
  • Abstract:Cathode ray tubes are the main component of electronic display equipment. A great deal of lead is used in cathode ray tube. The leaching of lead is over the threshold in Identification Standard for Hazardous Wastes of China. The key process of recycling cathode ray tubes is to separate leaded funnel and non-leaded panel glass. The funnel and panel after separating can be respectively used to re-manufacture new cathode ray tubes, to produce glasses, or to recover lead through smelting. Several physical and chemical approaches can be used to separate funnel and panel glass. The physical techniques identified for splitting cathode ray tubes include hot wire cutting, thermal shock, laser cutting, and water jet separation etc. The chemical techniques usually refer to acid dissolution. The physical techniques often result in incomplete separation of funnel and panel glass, and only cullet (not integrated funnel or panel) can be recycled to produce glasses or recover lead. The chemical techniques can avoid this defect of physical techniques and funnel and panel glass can be completely separated to re-manufacture new cathode ray tubes. Acid-thermal shock aided by ultrasonic is chosen therefore. The reaction law of frit in acid solution is studied and effect of nitric acid and acetic acid on frit is compared. It shows that nitric acid can dissolve frit faster than acetic acid, and the solvency of frit can be affected by the concentration of nitric acid and retarded by lead nitrate, zinc nitrate, barium nitrate and boric acid whose metal components exist in the frit.

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