
  • 许光眉,施周,邓军.石英砂负载氧化铁吸附除锑、磷的XRD、FTIR以及XPS研究[J].环境科学学报,2007,27(3):402-407

  • 石英砂负载氧化铁吸附除锑、磷的XRD、FTIR以及XPS研究
  • Characterization of adsorption of antimony and phosphate by using IOCS with XRD、FTIR and XPS
  • 基金项目:国家自然科学基金(No.50178029);教育部博士点基金(No.20030537370);科技部国际合作基金(No.2003DFB00002)
  • 作者
  • 单位
  • 许光眉
  • 湖南大学土木工程学院水工程与科学系, 长沙 410082
  • 施周
  • 湖南大学土木工程学院水工程与科学系, 长沙 410082
  • 邓军
  • 湖南大学土木工程学院水工程与科学系, 长沙 410082
  • 摘要:通过XRD、FTIR以及XPS方法研究了石英砂负载氧化铁(IOCS)吸附锑、磷的机理.研究结果表明,IOCS表面氧化铁的晶型为α-Fe2O3;OH-及Fe—O键可以在FTIR谱图上检测到.XPS测定结果表明,IOCS吸附锑过程中氧原子及铁原子发生了电子转移,而IOCS吸附磷的过程几乎没有发生电子转移.XPS的价带谱研究表明,IOCS与锑的结合强度大于IOCS与磷的结合强度.由于锑、磷的吸附,导致IOCS表面铁原子的浓度有所降低;XPS溅射结果表明,锑较磷更能与深层的氧化铁发生反应.
  • Abstract:Mechanism of iron oxide coated on sand (IOCS) immobilizing antimony and phosphate from water was investigated with X-ray diffraction (XRD), Fourier transform infrared spectra (FTIR), and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS). It was found that the dominate phase of ironic oxide on IOCSwas hematite (α-Fe2O3), and OH- groups and Fe—Oband were also detected on FTIRspectra at 3439 cm-1 and 537 cm-1, respectively. The XPSobservation of IOCSindicated that there existed the charge transfer between Fe and Oduring adsorption of Sb on the IOCS, while little charge transfer occurred during adsorption of Pon the IOCS. According to valence band spectra of XPS, the binding strength between IOCSand Sb was stronger than that between IOCSand P. The atomic ratio of Fe on IOCS decreased because of the overlay by the adsorbed antimony and phosphate. The sputtering results further suggested that antimony could be interacted with deeper iron atoms than phosphate.

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