
  • 单保庆,陈庆锋,尹澄清.塘-湿地组合系统对城市旅游区降雨径流污染的在线截控作用研究[J].环境科学学报,2006,26(7):1068-1075

  • 塘-湿地组合系统对城市旅游区降雨径流污染的在线截控作用研究
  • On-line control of stormwater pollution by pond-wetlands composite system in urban tourist area
  • 基金项目:国家高科技研究发展计划(863计划)项目(No.2002AA601022)
  • 作者
  • 单位
  • 单保庆
  • 中国科学院生态环境研究中心, 北京 100085
  • 陈庆锋
  • 1. 中国科学院生态环境研究中心, 北京 100085; 2. 华中农业大学资源与环境学院, 武汉 430070
  • 尹澄清
  • 中国科学院生态环境研究中心, 北京 100085
  • 摘要:以武汉动物园猩猩馆为例,进行了塘-湿地组合系统对城市旅游区降雨径流污染的在线截控作用研究.22场的降雨径流监测结果表明,由沉淀池、塘、一阶湿地和二阶湿地组成的系统对污染物表现出良好的持留能力.在2005年6月26日的暴雨连续流事件中,径流流速由系统入口处的65.5cm·s-1降至系统出口处的17.7cm·s-1,径流总量由213.4m3降至31.9m3,TSS、CODCr、TN、TP的浓度分别由161mg·L-1、226.9mg·L-1、17.0mg·L-1、0.99mg·L-1降至98.8mg·L-1、52.8mg·L-1、4.16mg·L-1、0.41mg·L-1,颗粒物的体积平均粒径由312μm降低至23.9μm,系统对TSS、CODCr、TN和TP的持留率分别达到92.9%、96.0%、85.7%和80.9%.在2005年7月10日的间断流事件中,整个系统出口无地表径流输出,污染径流全部为塘-湿地组合系统截留.塘-湿地组合系统通过在线截留、缓冲和存储作用,对不同源区降雨径流的产流时间、流速和流量具有多重调控作用,延长了污染物在流域内部的滞留时间,使径流中的污染物浓度以及颗粒物的粒径逐级得到降低,减少了污染负荷的输出.
  • Abstract:A research on the control of stormwater pollution by the pond-wetlands system was conducted in a little experimental watershed of Wuhan Zoo, China. The investigation results with 22 rainfall events showed that the system with a sedimentation tank, two surface flow wetlands and one landscape pond had a strong capacity to retain pollutants. During a continuous precipitation-runoff event on June 26, 2005, the flow velocity at inlet of the system was 65.5 cm·s-1 and that was 17.7 cm·s-1 at the system outlet, the runoff volume decreased from 213.4m3 in the inlet to 31.9m3 in the outlet. The concentrations of TSS、CODCr 、TN、TP decreased from 161mg·L-1 、226.9 mg·L-1 、17.0 mg·L-1 and 0.99 mg·L-1 to 98.8 mg·L-1 、52.8 mg·L-1 、4.16 mg·L-1 and 0.41 mg·L-1, respectively. From the inlet to outlet, and the mean size of particulate matter in runoff decreased from 312 μm to 23.9 μm. The retention rates of the system were 92.9%、96.0%、85.7% and 80.9% for TSS、CODCr 、TN and TP. In a medium rainfall event on July10, 2005, there was no runoff flowing out of the system and all of the pollutants were intercepted. With the functions of on-line interception, buffering and storage, the pond-wetlands system could regulate the runoff appearance time, flow velocity and volume, reduced the pollutant concentrations. The stormwater pollution load exported from the watershed was greatly decreased.

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