
  • 敖燕辉,徐晶晶,沈迅伟,付德刚,袁春伟.负载型活性炭/TiO2光催化降解苯酚的研究[J].环境科学学报,2006,26(7):1111-1115

  • 负载型活性炭/TiO2光催化降解苯酚的研究
  • Study on photocatalytic degradation of phenol using TiO2 coated activated carbon
  • 基金项目:国家高技术研究发展计划(863)重大专项(No.2002AA304302)
  • 作者
  • 单位
  • 敖燕辉
  • 1. 东南大学化学化工学院, 南京 210096; 2. 东南大学生物分子电子学国家重点实验室, 南京 210096
  • 徐晶晶
  • 1. 东南大学化学化工学院, 南京 210096; 2. 东南大学生物分子电子学国家重点实验室, 南京 210096
  • 沈迅伟
  • 东南大学生物分子电子学国家重点实验室, 南京 210096
  • 付德刚
  • 东南大学生物分子电子学国家重点实验室, 南京 210096
  • 袁春伟
  • 东南大学生物分子电子学国家重点实验室, 南京 210096
  • 摘要:在温和条件下(75℃和常压),通过在酸性水溶液中水解钛酸四丁酯并回流提高其结晶度,制备了锐钛矿型的TiO2.将此TiO2负载于粉末活性炭上,并用之来降解模拟废水苯酚.实验结果表明,该负载型催化剂的光催化效果要优于纯TiO2以及P25TiO2加活性炭的混合体系.0.58g负载型催化剂降解0.4L浓度为100mg·L-1的苯酚溶液,经18W紫外灯光照6h后溶液中的苯酚去除率达到98%.同时,载体活性炭上吸附的苯酚量也随着光照时间逐渐减少,6h后残留的量仅为初始值的3.5%.
  • Abstract:Anatase TiO2 sols were synthesized under mild conditions (i.e. 75 ℃ and ambient pressure) by hydrolysis of titanium-butoxide in acidic aqueous solution and subsequent reflux to enhance crystallization. Then the titania, which mounted onto powder activated carbon, was used to degrade model waste water of phenol. The results showed that the photocatalytic activity of such type catalyst was better than pure TiO2 and mixed system of P25 TiO2 with activated carbon. A volume of 0.4L of phenol whose concentration was 100mg·L-1 was degraded 98% by 0.58 gram of the catalyst after illuminated by UV lamp of 18 W for 6 hours. At the same time, the phenol absorbed by activated carbon, which decreased with the increasing of time of illumination, was just 3.5% of initial amount after 6 hours.

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