
  • 谢贻发,胡耀辉,刘正文,谢贵水.沉积物再悬浮对沉水植物生长的影响研究[J].环境科学学报,2007,27(1):18-22

  • 沉积物再悬浮对沉水植物生长的影响研究
  • Effects of sediment resuspension on the growth of submerged plants
  • 基金项目:国家“863”计划项目(No.2002AA60101);中国科学院知识创新重大项目(No.KZCX1-SW-12-Ⅳ)
  • 作者
  • 单位
  • 谢贻发
  • 暨南大学水生生物研究所, 广州 510632
  • 胡耀辉
  • 中国科学院南京地理与湖泊研究所, 南京 210008
  • 刘正文
  • 1. 暨南大学水生生物研究所, 广州 510632; 2. 中国科学院南京地理与湖泊研究所, 南京 210008
  • 谢贵水
  • 中国热带农业科学院, 儋州 571737
  • 摘要:通过室内模拟实验,研究了沉积物再悬浮对苦草(Vallisneria natans)和马来眼子菜(Potomogetonmalaianus)2种沉水植物生长的影响.为期10周的实验发现,有沉积物再悬浮的处理组中,苦草的生物量显著低于对照组中(没有沉积物再悬浮)苦草的生物量;同样,沉积物再悬浮对苦草的分蘖和块茎数也产生了明显的影响;马来眼子菜的生物量和分蘖数同样受到了沉积物再悬浮的影响,但影响程度小于苦草.因此,沉积物再悬浮对沉水植物的生长、繁殖具有的抑制作用,但这种作用因种类不同而有所差异.
  • Abstract:The effects of sediment resuspension on the growth of two submerged macrophytes Vallisneria natans and Potomogeton malaianus were investigated by using a simulated experiment, which lasted for 10 weeks. The results showed that the biomass of Vallisneria natans in the treatments with artificial sediment resuspension was significantly lower than that in the controls without sediment resuspension, and the artificial sediment resuspension significantly reduced the number of tillers and tubers of Vallisneria natans. Sediment resuspension also have negative effect on Potomogeton malaianus, but with a less degree comparing with its effect on Vallisneria natans. Our study indicated that sediment resuspension has a negative effect on submerged macrophytes, and such effect differs among different species.

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