
  • 陈世宝,朱永官,马义兵.不同磷处理对污染土壤中有效态铅及磷迁移的影响[J].环境科学学报,2006,26(7):1140-1144

  • 不同磷处理对污染土壤中有效态铅及磷迁移的影响
  • Effects of phosphate amendments on Pb extractability and movement of phosphorus in contaminated soil
  • 基金项目:国家杰出青年基金(40225002);农业部植物营养与养分循环重点实验室开放基金
  • 作者
  • 单位
  • 陈世宝
  • 1. 农业部植物营养与养分循环重点实验室/中国农科院农业资源与农业区划研究所, 北京 100081; 2. 中国科学院生态环境研究中心, 北京 100085
  • 朱永官
  • 中国科学院生态环境研究中心, 北京 100085
  • 马义兵
  • 农业部植物营养与养分循环重点实验室/中国农科院农业资源与农业区划研究所, 北京 100081
  • 摘要:为了研究不同含磷化合物对污染土壤中铅有效性的影响及其在土壤剖面中的迁移状况,对3种不同性质的含磷化合物按含量为2500、5000mg·kg-1进行了土柱试验.结果表明,对铅污染土壤施入磷酸氢钙(SSP)、磷矿粉(PR)及羟基磷灰石(HA)能显著降低土壤表层CaCl2(0.01mol·L-1)提取态铅的含量,且有效铅的含量随磷施入含量的增加而显著降低.在施磷270d后,施入含量为5000mg·kg-1的磷酸氢钙(SSP5)、磷矿粉(PR5)及羟基磷灰石(HA5)处理土壤有效铅的含量分别比对照降低了86.6%、81.1%和89.7%.对不同深度土壤有效磷和全磷含量分析表明,土壤中施入不同溶解性质的磷显著增加了土壤表层(0~10cm)的有效磷(Olsen-p)及全磷的含量,土壤中有效磷及全磷的含量随着土柱深度的增加而显著降低.除了SSP5处理外,上述不同磷处理对于大于50cm深度的土壤中的有效磷和全磷变化没有显著影响,而所有处理对于大于70cm深度的土壤中有效磷和全磷含量没有显著影响.这表明在铅污染土壤中施入不同性质的磷能显著降低土壤中CaCl2(0.01mo·lL-1)提取态铅的含量,而土壤中施入的磷在土壤垂直剖面的迁移却很少,即使是易溶性的磷酸氢钙(SSP)也不会造成大于70cm深度的土壤剖面中磷含量的显著性差异,其原因可能与土壤胶体对磷的强力吸附有关.
  • Abstract:To investigate the effects of different phosphates amendments on the bioavailability of Pb and the movement of phosphorus in soil profile during the remediation of Pb-contaminated soilswith single-superphosphate (SSP), phosphate rock (PR) and hydroxyapatite (HA) application at two rates of P addition (2500、5000 mg·kg-1) were studied by using soil column experiment. The results showed that the extractable Pb concentrations by 0.01 mol·L-1 CaCl2 were significantly reduced in surface soils (0~10 cm) with the SSP, PR and HA, and the concentrations of extractable Pb decreased with increasing the P addition. At the P addition level of 5000 mg·kg-1, the reduction of the concentrations of extractable Pb with SSP, HA and PR reached 86.6%, 81.1% and 89.7%, respectively compared with control. Total phosphorus and plant available P (Olsen-P) in the subsurface soil (0~10 cm) were significantly high after the 270 days' addition of the amendments. However, the total and plant available P (Olsen-P) decreased sharply with the soil depth expended. All the P treatments, except for SSP5 treatment, had little marginal increment of total phosphorus and plant available P (Olsen P) in the depth of 50 cm soil profile. When the depth reached more than 70 cm, no significant difference was found with all the treatments in the total phosphorus and plant available P (Olsen P). In other words, no significant fertilizer P moved below 70 mm depth including the soluble SSP fertilizer. This reason may be the strong P adsorption by the surfaces of soil minerals.

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