
  • 万大娟,陈娴,贾晓珊.受多氯代有机化合物污染土壤的植物修复初探[J].环境科学学报,2006,26(7):1145-1151

  • 受多氯代有机化合物污染土壤的植物修复初探
  • Phytoremediation of contaminated soil with PCOPs
  • 基金项目:"985"工程二期项目;中山大学重点资助项目(No.2005-90004-3172000)
  • 作者
  • 单位
  • 万大娟
  • 1. 中山大学环境科学与工程学院, 广州 510275; 2. 湖南师范大学资源环境科学学院, 长沙, 410081
  • 陈娴
  • 中山大学环境科学与工程学院, 广州 510275
  • 贾晓珊
  • 中山大学环境科学与工程学院, 广州 510275
  • 摘要:采用种植植物的方法,对受以HCB、pp'-DDT及γ-BHC为代表的PCOPs污染土壤的植物修复进行了初步研究.结果表明,种植黑麦草和大蒜都能不同程度降低土壤中PCOPs的含量,0~60d时下降速率较快,60d后下降速率减慢.植物修复能力的大小与植物种类、生育时期以及土壤受PCOPs的污染程度有关:黑麦草对受PCOPs污染土壤的修复能力略优于大蒜;在植物生育过程的前期和中期(0~60d),植物对PCOPs的吸收能力较强;对受较高浓度PCOPs污染的土壤,植物修复能力相对较强.土壤中的过氧化氢酶活性、pH值和有机质含量初步反映了土壤生物的变化情况,种植植物能促进土壤生物对PCOPs的吸收和利用.受污染土壤中减少的PCOPs有1.11%~10.25%被植物直接吸收,其它则可能是由于植物降解或种植植物后土壤环境的改变导致PCOPs被微生物降解.
  • Abstract:Remedy contaminated soil with PCOPs (HCB、pp'-DDT and γ-BHC) were studied by the method of phytoremediation. Results showed that planting ryegrass and garlic could reduce the content of PCOPs in soil and the decrease rate was high in 0~60d. The capability of phytoremediation were affected by plant species, growth period and degree of soil pollution. Ryegrass had a higher capability of absorbing PCOPs than garlic. During the early and middle stages of growth (0~60d), plants had absorbed more PCOPs. Plants' capability of absorption was high in contaminated soil with PCOPs of high content. Soil catalase activity, pH and content of organic matter reflected the changes on livingness of the soil organism. Planting could promote the capability of absorption and using PCOPs by the organism in soil. 1.11~10.25 percent of decreased PCOPs in contaminated soil were absorbed by plants, others might be degraded by plants and microorganism in soil environment after planting.

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