
  • 王玮,肖成龙,李大涛,姜思朋,胡道庆.中国火葬场二噁英类污染物排放及减排技术研究[J].环境科学学报,2006,26(8):1246-1251

  • 中国火葬场二噁英类污染物排放及减排技术研究
  • Preliminary study on the emissions and pollution control of PCDDs/Fs from crematories in China
  • 基金项目:国家高技术应用部门发展项目(No.2001-12-03)
  • 作者
  • 单位
  • 王玮
  • 民政部一零一研究所, 北京 101601
  • 肖成龙
  • 民政部一零一研究所, 北京 101601
  • 李大涛
  • 民政部一零一研究所, 北京 101601
  • 姜思朋
  • 民政部一零一研究所, 北京 101601
  • 胡道庆
  • 民政部一零一研究所, 北京 101601
  • 摘要:对中国某火葬场9具遗体进行了二英类污染物排放测试,测试结果表明,烟气中二英类物质总浓度为89~350ng·m-3,毒性当量浓度为1.5~5.4ng·m-3;PCDFs的总浓度高于PCDDs的总浓度;以此估算中国2004年火化遗体过程中二英类污染物的年排放量为11.2~46.9g·a-1.通过实验分别研究了布袋除尘器、布袋除尘器加不同厚度的活性炭纤维毡组合对火化遗体烟气中二英类污染物的去除效果.结果表明,布袋除尘器去除火化烟气中二英类污染物的效率为57.4%;布袋除尘器分别与厚度为5、15mm的活性炭纤维毡组合去除火化烟气中二英类污染物的效率分别为64.0%和89.2%.
  • Abstract:Three flue gas samples covering 9 corpses were collected from a crematory in China and measured for the concentrations of PCDDs and PCDFs. Results show that the concentration of PCDDs/Fs in the flue gas samples ranges from 89 to 350 ng·m-3 with the toxic equivalent concentration varying from 1.5 to 5.4 ng·m-3. PCDFs level is higher than that of PCDDs in these samples. Total amount of PCDDs/Fs emitting to air from cremation in China was estimated to be 11.2~46.9 g·a-1 in 2004. The removal efficiency of dioxins in the flue gas from the process of cremation by using bag house、heat exchanger + bag house + activated carbon fiber of different thickness(5mm and 15mm) were studied through experiments. And the results showed that the removal efficiency of the above three units were respectively 57.4%、64.0%、89.2%.

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