- Assimilative capacity of the Qiantang River watershed based on a QUAL2K model
- 基金项目:浙江省政府重大委托项目(No.2005C1007)
- 方晓波
- 浙江大学环境与资源学院, 杭州 310029
- 张建英
- 浙江大学环境与资源学院, 杭州 310029
- 徐向阳
- 浙江大学环境与资源学院, 杭州 310029
- 陈英旭
- 浙江大学环境与资源学院, 杭州 310029
- 摘要:针对钱塘江流域污染物总量控制的纳污能力定量问题,选择非感潮河段干流和一级支流,基于QUAL2K模型和一维水质模型,研究了BOD安全纳污能力.研究结果表明,钱塘江流域纳污能力QUAL2K模型计算值大于一维模型计算值;基于QUAL2K模型的m值水体纳污能力计算法,结合了总量控制与浓度控制理念,适用于钱塘江流域水体纳污能力计算;流域各行政区BOD安全纳污能力从大到小依次为:杭州>金华>衢州>绍兴>丽水.
- Abstract:The capacities of the main stream of the Qiantang River and its primary tributary to assimilate BOD were studied using two theoretical scenarios. Scenario 1 was based on a QUAL2Kmodel, while Scenario 2 was based on a 1-Dmodel. The BOD assimilative capacity calculated on the basis of the QUAL2K model was larger than that of the 1-Dmodel. The m value assimilative capacity method based on the QUAL2K model is suitable for the Qiantang River watershed, as it integrates Total Maximum Daily Load with pollutant concentration control. The total BOD assimilative capacity, calculated according to district in the Qiantang River watershed, decreased in the following order: Hangzhou>Jinhua>Quzhou>Shaoxing>Lishui.
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