
  • 景启国,陈长虹,潘汉生,黄成,李莉,黄海英,王海鲲,赵静,戴懿,MatthewBarth,RichardNikkila.公交柴油车道路排放特征的实测研究初探[J].环境科学学报,2006,26(9):1405-1411

  • 公交柴油车道路排放特征的实测研究初探
  • Preliminary analysis of on-road emission characteristics of diesel buses
  • 基金项目:上海市交通环境可持续发展指标体系研究项目(No.00138.07);美国能源基金会机动车污染控制与健康效益研究项目(G-0502-07721)
  • 作者
  • 单位
  • 景启国
  • 上海市环境科学研究院, 上海 200233
  • 陈长虹
  • 上海市环境科学研究院, 上海 200233
  • 潘汉生
  • 上海市环境科学研究院, 上海 200233
  • 黄成
  • 上海市环境科学研究院, 上海 200233
  • 李莉
  • 上海市环境科学研究院, 上海 200233
  • 黄海英
  • 上海市环境科学研究院, 上海 200233
  • 王海鲲
  • 华东理工大学资源与环境工程学院, 上海 200237
  • 赵静
  • 华东理工大学资源与环境工程学院, 上海 200237
  • 戴懿
  • 华东理工大学资源与环境工程学院, 上海 200237
  • MatthewBarth
  • 美国加州大学河畔分校, 加利福尼亚, 美国
  • RichardNikkila
  • 美国加州大学河畔分校, 加利福尼亚, 美国
  • 摘要:利用GPS和SEMTECH-D车载排放测试仪测量了上海市公交车行驶工况和公交柴油车在市区道路上的排放状况.该研究共获得193400组公交车行驶工况数据,累计测量里程820km,排放数据75420个.测量结果显示,上海市公交车平均车行速度14km·h-1,最高车速为60km·h-1;市区公交车平均车行速度14km·h-1,最高车速小于60km·h-1,市区公交车的怠速时间比在25%以上.被测公交柴油车的CO、THC和NOx平均里程排放因子为(3.41±0.86)、(1.95±0.47)和(4.56±0.99)g·km-1,与陈长虹等人2005年提供的卡车3和卡车5的排放状况相近.测量结果还显示,被测车辆进出站时单位里程排放量是正常行驶条件下的10倍.此外,在交通高峰期或拥堵期,车行速度降低至0~5km·h-1时,被测公交柴油车的CO、THC和NOx平均里程排放因子升高至17.49、6.68和15.85g·km-1,是平均车速时候的5.13倍、3.4倍和3.48倍,车辆排放污染将明显加剧.测量结果说明,加强城市交通管理,减少车辆拥堵,不仅可以提高公交车运行效率,而且也是降低公交车污染的有效措施.
  • Abstract:With the use of GPS, the running characteristics of Shanghai buses were investigated, meanwhile, one typical in-use diesel bus was selected to do on-road emission tests with the use of SEMTECH-D. The road distance of testing was 820 km. Data groups were obtained for 193400 effective driving patterns of the buses, and emission data were obtained for 75420 of the diesel bus. Consequently, it is found that buses were running with low speed. The maximum speed of the whole tested buses is 60 km·h-1, average speed is 14km·h-1, while those of buses in the central city of Shanghai are less than 60 km·h-1 and 14 km·h-1 respectively, which basically reflect characteristics of on-road running buses in Shanghai. The emission factors of the tested bus are (3.41±0.86)、(1.95±0.47) and (4.56±0.99) g·km-1 for CO THC and NOx respectively, which are close to the results of Truck 3 and 5 by Chen Changhong et al.(2005). Meanwhile, the results show that the emission factors in bus stations are about ten times of those of none bus stations. Additionally, in the rush hour when the speed reduces to 0~5km·h-1, the distance-specific emission factors upgrade to 17.49, 6.68 and 15.58 g·km-1 for CO, THC and NOx respectively. All of these indicate that to enhance the traffic management and reduce traffic congestion can not only improve the running of buses but also be the effective measure to control the emission from buses.

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