
  • 周健,王继欣,张勤,张智,潘凡.序批式人工湿地冬季低温脱氮的效能研究[J].环境科学学报,2007,27(10):1652-1656

  • 序批式人工湿地冬季低温脱氮的效能研究
  • Research on nitrogen removal efficiency in a sequential batch constructed wetland at low temperatures in winter
  • 基金项目:重庆市小城镇建设科技专项(NoCSTC2004AA7008-3)
  • 作者
  • 单位
  • 周健
  • 重庆大学三峡库区生态环境教育部重点实验室 重庆 400045
  • 王继欣
  • 重庆大学三峡库区生态环境教育部重点实验室 重庆 400045
  • 张勤
  • 重庆大学三峡库区生态环境教育部重点实验室 重庆 400045
  • 张智
  • 重庆大学三峡库区生态环境教育部重点实验室 重庆 400045
  • 潘凡
  • 重庆大学三峡库区生态环境教育部重点实验室 重庆 400045
  • 摘要:针对目前连续流人工湿地脱氮效率低、易堵塞及冬季效能下降的问题,提出了采用新型间歇流序批式人工湿地处理小城镇污水的方案,研究探讨了两级序批式人工湿地在冬季低温条件下,停留时间及排空闲置时间对脱氮效能的影响.试验结果表明,在冬季低温5~10℃、每级序批式湿地运行工况为瞬时进水-反应24h-瞬时排水-排空闲置12h、氮负荷为1.92g·m-2·d-1、进水COD、NH4+-N和TN浓度分别为143mg·L-1、27.0mg·L-1和32.0mg·L-1时,出水COD、NH4+-N和TN浓度分别为27mg·L-1、3.9mg·L-1和16.5mg·L-1,COD、NH4+-N和TN的去除率分别为81.12%、85.56%和48.44%.
  • Abstract:To overcome the low efficiency of nitrogen removal in continuous-flow constructed wetlands,and the problems of clogging and lowered efficiency in winter,a new type of intermittent sequential constructed wetland was developed and used to treat wastewater from a small town.The effects of hydraulic retention time(HRT) and idling time on nitrogen removal of the two-stage sequential constructed wetland were investigated in winter when the temperatures were about 5~10℃.The operating conditions of each stage sequencing batch wet land were instantaneous-influent 24h’s reaction-instantaneous drainage,then idle 12h.When the nitrogen loading rate was 1.92 g·m-2·d-1,influent COD =143 mg·L-1,NH4+-N= 27 mg·L-1 and TN=32 mg·L-1,the removal rates of COD,NH4+-N,and TN were 81.12%,85.56% and 48.44%,respectively.

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