
  • 邓良伟,孙欣,陈子爱.基于碱度平衡与反硝化动力学的厌氧-加原水-间歇曝气工艺配水比例模型[J].环境科学学报,2007,27(10):1643-1651

  • 基于碱度平衡与反硝化动力学的厌氧-加原水-间歇曝气工艺配水比例模型
  • Model of raw wastewater addition for the anaerobic-adding raw wastewater-intermittent aeration process based on kinetics of denitrification and alkalinity balance
  • 基金项目:国家自然科学基金(No30671540)
  • 作者
  • 单位
  • 邓良伟
  • 1. 浙江大学环境工程系 杭州 310029; 2. 农业部沼气科学研究所 成都 610041
  • 孙欣
  • 农业部沼气科学研究所 成都 610041
  • 陈子爱
  • 农业部沼气科学研究所 成都 610041
  • 摘要:采用批式反硝化试验,研究了BOD5和NOx-N(NO3--N与NO2--N之和)浓度对反硝化速率的影响.结果表明,在碳源充足的条件下,猪场废水厌氧消化液反硝化过程中NOx-N转化为零级反应,与NOx-N浓度无关;在碳源限制的条件下,猪场废水厌氧消化液反硝化过程中NOx-N转化速率与BOD5的关系遵从Monod方程.以Monod方程和碱度平衡为基础,推导出配水比例的数学模型.通过模型分析表明,进水碱度与进水氨氮浓度之比小于3.82时,仅靠配水措施不能平衡整个处理系统的碱度,还需要外加碱度;进水碱度与进水氨氮浓度之比大于6.90时,序批式反应器(SBR)可以直接处理厌氧消化液,不需要配水,厌氧-加原水-间歇曝气工艺不适用.猪场废水厌氧消化液的碱度与氨氮浓度之比大多为3.82~6.90,因此,猪场废水厌氧消化液好氧后处理适宜采用厌氧-加原水-间歇曝气工艺.通过数学模型作图显示,配水比例随着水力停留时间、SBR反应器数量、反应器中微生物浓度、滗水器工作能力以及亚硝化率的增加而减少,随着反应器运行周期的增加而增加.
  • Abstract:Abatch denitrification experiment was carried out to investigate the influence of concentration of BOD5 and NOx-N(the sum of NO3--N and NO2--N) on the rate of denitrification.The results showed that the conversion of NOx-N was a zero order reaction with respect to the concentration of NOx-N in the presence of enough BOD5,thus independent of the concentration of NOx-N.The relationship between conversion rate of NOx-N and the concentration of BOD5 fit well to the Monod equation under limited BOD5 conditions.Amathematical model was derived based on the Monod equation and alkalinity balance.When the ratio of alkalinity to the ammonia concentration was less than 3.82,it was impossible to balance the alkalinity only by addition of raw wastewater,hence additional alkalinity must be added.If the ratio of alkalinity to ammonia concentration was more than 6.90,the process of anaerobic-adding raw wastewater-intermittent aeration was not suitable to the treatment of digested effluent because the Sequential Batch Reactor(SBR) could treat digested effluent directly without adding raw wastewater.Since the ratio of alkalinity to the concentration of ammonia for digested effluent of swine wastewater mostly ranges from 3.82 to 6.90,the process of anaerobic-adding raw wastewater-intermittent aeration is suitable to the treatment of swine wastewater.The mathematical model shows that the proportion of raw wastewater needed increases with increasing hydraulic retention time,the number of reactors,and biomass concentration,capacity of decanter and ratio of nitrite,but drops with increased number of SBRcycles.

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