
  • 路庆斌,周立祥.污泥生物脱毒后土地利用对农作物及土壤环境的影响研究:田间试验[J].环境科学学报,2007,27(10):1663-1668

  • 污泥生物脱毒后土地利用对农作物及土壤环境的影响研究:田间试验
  • Effects of land utilization of bioleaching sludge on crop growth and soil properties:A Field Trial
  • 基金项目:教育部新世纪优秀人才支持计划(NoNCET-04-0505)
  • 作者
  • 单位
  • 路庆斌
  • 南京农业大学资源与环境学院环境工程系 南京 210095
  • 周立祥
  • 南京农业大学资源与环境学院环境工程系 南京 210095
  • 摘要:以水稻为实验材料,通过田间小区实验研究了制革污泥在生物脱毒前后以及脱毒污泥和化肥混施对旱作水稻生长和土壤环境的影响.结果表明,原始制革污泥对水稻的生长有明显的抑制作用,产量与对照比较下降了27%;而经脱毒后的污泥对水稻的生长与对照比较有明显的促进作用,分蘖明显,水稻苗期叶绿素含量、生物量(鲜重)和产量分别增加了17.3%、17.96%、16.95%;污泥和化肥混合施用的水稻的产量增加了20%.同时,脱毒后污泥的施用提高了土壤中有机质的含量,增加到29.79%,全N的含量提高了20.00%.但是,施用生物脱毒污泥一个季度后土壤pH有所下降;土壤中的重金属铬有所增加,但仍未超过土壤环境质量一级标准.重金属铬主要富集在水稻根部,籽粒中铬的含量没有超过食品安全的标准.长期施用脱毒污泥要考虑环境安全性问题,即使对于生物沥浸处理后的污泥也最好不施用到进入食物链的农地上,可用在园林绿化等用途上.
  • Abstract:The growth and yield of rice grown in soil treated with tannery sludge and bioleached tannery sludge and the changes of soil properties were investigated in this field study.Directly applying tannery sludge onto soil has negative effects on the growth and yield of rice,decreasing the yield by 27% compared to the control.However,bioleached tannery sludge increased rice yield and improved rice growth including enhancing the tiller number,the chlorophyll content,fresh weight and yield.The highest yield was obtained by applying bioleached tannery sludge accompanied by fertilizer,which increased the yield by 20% compared with the control.In addition,either tannery sludge or bioleached tannery sludge increased soil fertility as exhibited by an increase in soil Nand organic matter.But the application of Cr-rich tannery sludge resulted in soil Cr pollution.The soil quality was reduced from 1st grade to 3rd grade according to China’s environmental quality standard for soils(GB15618-1995).When the Cr in tannery sludge was removed through bioleaching and then bioleached sludge was applied,insignificant amounts of Cr were introduced to the treated soils.Correspondingly,the content of Cr in rice grain did not exceed 1 mg·kg-1,the limit in rice grain promulgated by the Ministry of Health of the People’s Republic of China,.However,the application of untreated tannery sludge onto farmland increased the Cr concentration in rice grain to four times the limit.Therefore,bioleaching can make sludge safe for use on cropland.

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