
  • 田猛,张永春.用于控制太湖流域农村面源污染的透水坝技术试验研究[J].环境科学学报,2006,26(10):1665-1670

  • 用于控制太湖流域农村面源污染的透水坝技术试验研究
  • Experimental study on permeable dam technique to control rural non-point pollution in Taihu basin
  • 基金项目:国家高技术研究发展计划(No.2002AA601012-4)
  • 作者
  • 单位
  • 田猛
  • 国家环保总局南京环境科学研究所, 南京 210042
  • 张永春
  • 国家环保总局南京环境科学研究所, 南京 210042
  • 摘要:为了控制太湖流域农村面源污染,结合人工湿地原理和快速渗滤机理,开发了透水坝技术并进行了运行试验.该技术利用平原河网地区现有河道的容积来承受农村面源污染水量、水质的冲击负荷,通过控制透水坝的渗流量,拦蓄径流为后续的处理单元提供自流动力.4个月的运行结果表明,使用梯形渗流模型进行透水坝的渗流量计算比较准确,透水坝达到了拦蓄5天处理雨量为14000m3的降雨径流的设计要求,同时透水坝的TN、TP去除率分别为15.59%和23.44%.
  • Abstract:In order to control rural non-point pollution in Taihu basin, the permeable dam (PD)technique which combines constructed wetlands principles and rapid filtration mechanics was designed. The PD technique can bear shock load of water quality and quantity of rural non-point pollution by utilizing riverway cubage. Through the manipulative seepage of dam, water head is afforded for latter treatment units. The results of four months' running experiments showed that the seepage calculation of permeable dam was adapted to be calculated by the trapezoidal seepage, and the PD met the prospective requirement of holding a 14000m3 runoff which occurred once per five days. The TN and TP removal rate of PD were 15.59% and 23.44%, respectively.

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