
  • 杨秀莉,贾勇.聚丙烯酰胺复配物在自激式除尘器中的试验[J].环境科学学报,2007,27(11):1863-1867

  • 聚丙烯酰胺复配物在自激式除尘器中的试验
  • Tests of a self-swashing dust catcher using mixture containing polyacrylamide
  • 基金项目:江苏省社会发展科研基金资助项目(No.BS2006036)
  • 作者
  • 单位
  • 杨秀莉
  • 江苏大学机关, 镇江 212013
  • 贾勇
  • 江苏大学环境学院, 镇江 212013
  • 摘要:为了提高呼吸性粉尘的除尘效率,在自激式除尘器中分别使用纯水、琥珀酸二辛酯磺酸钠(AOT)溶液和聚丙烯酰胺(PAM)复配物溶液进行了除尘对比试验.分析了该复配物的湿润、除尘、降阻原理、消耗能量和试剂的经济性.结果表明,聚丙烯酰胺复配物溶液既可提高自激式除尘器除尘效率,又可减少除尘器阻力,且其经济性比使用纯水更佳.
  • Abstract:In order to improve the dust removal efficiency of respirable dust, parallel tests of dust removal efficiencies were made using pure water, AOTsolution and mixture liquor containing polyacrylamide on a self-swashing dust catcher. The clouding, dust removing, resistance-diminishing mechanism, and the energy and reagent consumptions of the mixture liquor containing polyacrylamide were analysed. Using mixture liquor containing polyacrylamide not only improves the dust removing efficiency of the self-swashing dust catcher, but also reduces the resistance of the dust catcher, and is more economical than using pure water.

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